Like a shadow in shade, dumb, a fool is unmade! Jul 25, 2011
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Excalibur is twice a death
Beginning with death: the first---
The thrust of justice, sentence: death!
Damn the damned! Bless the accursed!
The second will erase this sentence.
Blood will flow---the sword is pulled.
The second death is my repentance,
My amends, my lie untold.
I'm king of my Excalibur!
A word of love, a word of pain,
Once taken root & then removed,
Leaves emptiness & death again.
The ERASER is mightier than both.
"There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health."Interact
A man on business came today.
He kept me oh so long.
I heard her voice,
And had no choice.
There goes another song!
But it was worthless, anyway.