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Apr 13, 2019
Jan 5, 2011
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Follow me on twitter @nossr50 Apr 24, 2014

nossr50 was last seen:
Apr 13, 2019
    1. msw1
      Your my favorite coder ever.
    2. civ77
      hey, i really like mcmmo and would like to suggest some changes to the taming ability. I think that taming wolves should offer a small amount of money and saddling a pig should give a lot (due to the rarity of saddles)
    3. nossr50
      Moving out today, will probably start doing weekly updates for my plugins now!
    4. Hipachi
      Don't mean to bug you . But I just needed abit of help. Mcmmo looks really good and played it on other servers I tried installing onto my server by putting the jar. in the plugins like a normal plugin then started the server. Only parts of the plugin work eg. the text but the skills and /stats don't work. Is there anything I have to do before I should of started server. Thanks sorry for being noob :P
    5. darklust
      Hey man, I made a plugin last week that has the functionality of your (now depracated) gravel2clay feature, and I figured I'd let you know in case you considered making a standalone plugin yourself, given the feature's popularity.
      Otherwise, suggesting my plugin to your userbase would be a sweet deal :]
    6. compgurusteve
      Found a duping exploit. Sent ya a PM, let me know if you need anymore info. :-)
    7. Forge_User_36355119
      hey man!

      You think you could help me to completely deactivate (maybe remove ) the godmode function?
      i would be really greatfull.
    8. Komavok
      "Giga Drill Breaker" Ability, "Super Breaker" Ability, "Serrated Strikes" Ability, "Skull Splitter" Ability, "Tree Feller" Ability, how to disable?
      1. nossr50
        Add '-mcmmo.ability.*' permission
        Apr 10, 2011
      2. Komavok
        without permission is it possible?
        Apr 10, 2011
      3. Dr. Zandi
        Apr 10, 2011
    9. Dr. Zandi
      Dr. Zandi
      Sweet jesus, he's online! Btw, your profile update thing is the same one from march....
    10. Dr. Zandi
      Dr. Zandi
      There's been complaints about the Acrobatics roll cap. Apparently there's a small threshold between walking away unscathed and instant death. Not sure how you would want to go about this, but they've suggested just nicking off a couple hearts if it's over the 20 health limit.
      1. Dr. Zandi
        Dr. Zandi
        Also a nice suggestion for parties made by Kimberly2000 on the Bukkit forums.
        It's here ( so you don't have to wade through the forums to find it.
        Apr 8, 2011
    11. Dr. Zandi
      Dr. Zandi
      I've got an error report for ya (I'd do it myself, but I have no idea about this stuff)
    12. Kenneth Wall
      Kenneth Wall
      Sometimes it buggs for me when i use your plugin. Like i can have superbreaker forever. Do you know why :)] ?
      1. nossr50
        Yeah, its the highest priority thing I need to fix right now.
        Apr 7, 2011
    13. Orihime
      I have a question... I run a local server, and I recently downloaded your plugin, yet I get a [SEVERE} error every time the plugin tries something... something about "Could not pass evernt ENTITY_DAMAGE" and whatever else i try... any tips? Sorry to bother~!
      1. nossr50
        What version of CB are you using?
        Apr 6, 2011
    14. Dr. Zandi
      Dr. Zandi
      The major complaint right now is the fact that a player still gets Acrobatics experience even if they die from the fall.
      Someone on my server, in fact, has built a stairway to the top of the map right next to a pit to the bottom of the map. They can easily level up 20 levels at a time with one jump.
      1. Dr. Zandi
        Dr. Zandi
        Also, I can't seem to find anything about the Chimaera Wing anywhere, other than disabling it.
        Apr 6, 2011
      2. nossr50
        Apr 6, 2011
      3. Dr. Zandi
        Dr. Zandi
        Despite that, it seems mcmmo's biggest problem has to do with worldguard protected areas. Double drops and the block in question coming back therefore continually granting excavation/mining exp. I don't know if worldguard simply replaces the block or intercepts the signal saying the block was destroyed, but obviously there are some incompatibilities.
        Apr 6, 2011
    15. Dr. Zandi
      Dr. Zandi
      I was just going to see if I could help out in any way. I know my way around permissions, but I can't really help you with coding and programming....
      1. Dr. Zandi
        Dr. Zandi
        I can answer questions in the threads for you and give the public updates if you want, but those are the only ways I can think of helping you right now. I really want to help get this plugin working at full capacity and as near as done as I can help you get it. I hope to even get a Singleplayer version out if you want to.
        Apr 4, 2011
      2. Dr. Zandi
        Dr. Zandi
        I hate the 420 character limit. I spent a good five minutes on that request! D:
        Apr 4, 2011
      3. nossr50
        Helping answer questions would be nice, there are so many posts per day in my thread lately.
        Apr 5, 2011
    16. Kenneth Wall
      Kenneth Wall
      I dont get the mmo to work on 1.4 why :D?
      1. Kenneth Wall
        Kenneth Wall
        it worked fine at 1.3
        Apr 2, 2011
      2. nossr50
        Did you updated CraftBukkit?
        Apr 2, 2011
      3. Kenneth Wall
        Kenneth Wall
        Yes ofc, But i got it to work now. Idk what it was that was wrong, I just removed and replaced the mcmmojar and thanks for making such a great plugin :D
        Apr 3, 2011
    17. nossr50
      @Major I was actually going to rework repair soon to provide bonuses to how much you repair. I realize the current system is a crappy.
    18. Major
      Dunno if you noticed but I've been doing a lot of work on the wiki, and a user there pointed out that repairing has no real use - To fully repair a Pick and Axe, you need 3 [X]. You save yourself two sticks. IMO you should change it to only needing 2 of [X] to full repair an item. Keep up the good work.
    19. nossr50
      I'd be super interested in how he did it.
    20. ShaDooM
      You wrote in the McMMO Thread that its impossible for you to fix it for WorldGuard protection.
      One of the Plugin Devs on my Server has edited an old version of your mcmmo to be compatible with worldguard.
      I can't pm you here I guess but I'd give you his e-mail/msn or so that you two can talk how to fix that.
    21. Fusioneko
      Just to repeat what I see going on here, "complain, whine, complain, whine, fix this, fix that." I do hope you survive, but it doesn't happen to look THAT bad, just if you look at it all at once.
    22. nossr50
      Try updating your CB!
    23. mbrandt21
      Your plugin mcmmo has a bad bug. for some reason no matter what level you are, you mine ores instintaniously
    24. nossr50
      They shouldn't be following that rule actually. I'll try to get it fixed in the next version.
    25. mathew lacombe
      mathew lacombe
      After further experimenting its because of the rule you have where you cannot harvest the same resource in the same place ever, issue is that saplings shouldnt follow that rule in my eye, and neither should gravel really if you want maximum exp you have to start harvesting gravel from the top :x though i agree you shouldnt get anything for blocks you place.
    26. nossr50
      I'll look into it mathew, It shouldn't be behaving like that
    27. mathew lacombe
      mathew lacombe
      Hey i posted on mcmmo but seem to have been ignored, is it a known problem that woodcutting is not increased by sapplings that you planted(that grew into trees)? The only time i can get exp for my woodcutting from my farm is after a server reset, wondering if this is known or not? Seems as if im one of few people on my server that noticed the problem.
    28. nossr50
      Alright, I'll be posting the updated one soon.
    29. Forge_User_28224777
      Please update vstopfire fro version 493 :(
    30. nossr50
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    [pig] Creator of mcMMO [sheep]