Youtubers Needing AWESOME KitPVP Plugin!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by officalbitgamer, Mar 21, 2014.


Can you make it?

  1. yes

  2. no

  1. Offline


    Hey guys!
    My name is bitgamer.
    Me and my friend are in need of a very cool kitpvp plugin for our active server.
    If you guys could put together a plugin where there are a large variety of different kits with different power ups, that would be awesome. EX: WaterMan (gives strength and speed when in water)
    This would be very helpful.
    If you wish to discuss further, add us on skype!
    Skype: <removed personal info - Iroh>
    Our channels:
    Bitgamer: <removed advertising - Iroh>
    GalaxyPlaysMC: <removed advertising - Iroh>
    GamingSensationz: <removed advertising - Iroh>

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