You're server.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Nickehh, Jun 1, 2011.

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    Hey guys,

    I've been stuck at making my own bukkit server with add-ons for quite a while following tutorials and other comments on this forum but have got no wear. What I was wondering if someone with a working server could ZIP up their server with some decent online add-ons/plug-ins and possibly send it or attach it to this thread?

    Much appreciated, Nick.
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    I suggest you try to learn how to manage one yourself, as when updates come, you will once again be stuck.
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    Daniel Few

    The problem is, as said above, when an update comes out you will be unsure on how to update or manage the plug-ins. Also, 'decent' plug-ins depends on what you want as there are so many. I don't this this is practical for you, sorry :(
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    First, what are you stuck on? Installing the add-ons or getting them to work, in-game?
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