Solved "You don't have permission to interact with <item>" issue.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kosmohgrbr, Dec 22, 2013.

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    I'm making my server, and i noticed that players are getting the "You don't have permission to interact with <item>" message everytime they try to use or break a block, even if they have build permission true.
    But what really surprises me is that, even with this error message, players can still break blocks and use items, but, everytime they do it, the message come up, and it's really annoying.
    Anybody? I'm using 1.6.4 CraftBukkit and GroupManager for my permissions.
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    Do you have the plugin 'Essentials AntiBuild' installed? Whenever i am working on a server i always add this in and it messes it up. Just remove it if you do have it and you should be all set.
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    Start by listing all your plugins.
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