Would meet my needs?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Kieron Etherimgton, Jan 16, 2012.

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  1. I've been after a dedicated server for a while and after looking around and asking some friends i found this


    Quad i5 3.1GHz
    16GB DDR3 RAM
    2x120GB SSD's
    100MBps Connection

    I would like to know how well this would run 3 servers as to help pay the fees per month i offer to host 2 friends a server on it, im planning on give them 3GB RAM each so im looking at having 10GB left for myself to run my own server aswell as the machine itself, I also want to run a teamspeak server on it aswell

    Some people said it would struggle with its connection speed and processor

  2. Offline


    3 servers? Maybe, maybe not, the CPU is a little too tight. If it was a i7-2600 or e3-12xx, then yes, but with that CPU most likely not.
  3. Offline

    Nathan C

    Whoever said it would struggle is wrong.

    It is a quad core and you would be just fine hosting 3 servers on that. That means each server would have it's own core and one spare core for whatever else. Teamspeak uses absolutely no CPU, so you would be just fine doing this....just make sure you have enough RAM for everything.

    Also the connection is more than enough....Minecraft barely uses any bandwidth.
  4. hmm seems to be contrasting opinions here, i would really like some more input
  5. Offline


    I've noticed a lot of work offloaded on additional threads when I'm using my server, although it could just be NoCheat and any of my 30+ plugins...
  6. Well i have around 50 or so plugins including NoCheat, Orebfusacator, HawkEye, Mcbans, Towny & alot more if thats any help
  7. Offline


    Should be fine as long your managing it well, though your plugins are power hunger. Will you be RAMDisking the worlds or using the SSD's all the way? Also I see the second SSD planing on a full back up drive?
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