worldguard entry flag help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by kaketoe, Mar 31, 2013.

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    im doing some things with worldguard and im using some flag but i wanted to know how can i add someone to a region from the consol?
    ingame it is /rg addmember (region name) (name) but if you type that in the consol it says "a player is expected"
    what do i have to type in the consol to get this working? or what do i have to do?
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    Super User

    /region addmember <Region> <Member>
    Works for me fine.
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    yes it's working fine for me to ingame, but it doesn't works if you type it in the consol
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    Super User

    Not sure then, some commands wont work in the console. I got the same error.
    >rg addmember spawn pwnernsx
    23:53:22 [INFO] A player is expected.
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    yeah i got the same :/
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    Super User

    Sorry man, I guess you cant do it. Why do you need to run it in console?
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    to use with buycraft :)
  8. Offline

    Super User

    Oh okay, you should look into kScript, maybe you could use that? I'm not really sure.
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    i'l chack that out
    thx :)
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    anyone else got an idea?
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