Worldguard Compatibility

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Steelsouls, Jun 21, 2012.

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    Hi all, I have been using worldguard for a while but mostly just its basic functions of protection. I have 2 plugins now that say they work with worldguard. First is MoneyDrop, which is super easy to incorporate. I just make a worldguard region and type the regionID into the MoneyDrop config to disable money dropping in that area.

    The new plugin I just got is MCJobs. It says it's worldguard compatible, but I can't find any instructions on how to disable it in certain regions. Is it possible to just remove a certain permission with a worldguard flag?

    To sum up, I'm trying to disable payment within my Mob Arenas as it would be too easy to just pick the Soldier job and farm the arena.

    EDIT: I have received a reply in the specific thread related to the MCJobs plugin. I didn't know which would be faster response so I posted the quest in both places. This thread can be closed/deleted.

    PS: The answer was that the MCJobs plugin only looks for the canbuild flag for the WG regions. So basically if you aren't owner/member of the region then you won't get paid inside it.
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