World NOT saving build progress when using 'stop' to stop the server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by willystylee, Jul 5, 2011.

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    So untill now, i've always used the 'stop' command in the console to shut off the server. Untill now, it as saved all build progress when stopping like it should. I ALWAYS wait for it to finish, and NEVER click X out the window. We just generated a new map, and TWICE now this has happened: we build stuff (right now were building spawn) and when i restart the server, via 'stop' then of course running the start.bat to start back up, then when the server start back up, its a complete rollback. All of my plugins are up to date as of yesterday, im 100% sure of that. I deleted SimpleSave because we've had strange world - damaging/altering issues with it before, but i thought those issues would have been fixed by now, and even with SimpleSave's jar and folder deleted it still rolled back the second time. Heres the plugins were running:


    Could this be related to the "Update - July 1, 2011 at 3:01PM EST:
    Minecraft 1.7.2 contains a dupe exploit that will ruin your economy or could create other issues. We strongly recommend waiting for a fix from either Mojang or ourselves before updating."???

    If anyone else is having similar issues like this please let me know.
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    Nah, duping has nothing to do with it. What build are you using?
    Also, you should ermove any unnecesairy plugins as they might cause loads of load and maybe cause this aswell.
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    b953 and yeah, i know theyre a lot, we use them tho
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    this really hasn't happened to anyone else? I updated the build to the latest dev build craftbukkit.jar last night (above 953) and it seems like it might have fixed it.... if the problem was with that build of bukkit then i'm REALLY surprised if i'm the only one with the issue.
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    It has happened to people who didn't read the red not at the top of the SimpleSave plugin thread but you said you removed that and it is still happening so I guess that doesn't help. I fixed it on my server by just reading that note and doing what it said.
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    Yeah, no this is STILL happening on our NEW world unfortunately. It's definitely not SimpleSave cuz i deleted that plug. But a plugin most likely... I think it may be bigbrother, not sure though.

    Regardless im getting incredibly fed up with this bullshit.
  7. It happens to me too, install a plugin and configure to save on stop.... I forget the name of the plugin that does this. typing in bold does not help
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