I'm just wondering if it's possible to not allow players into a certain area using world guard? I want to make a donator shops area and i only want donators to be able to get in. Is there a way to set a an area and flag it for something to do with not letting players in and make an exception for certain players? Or even better certain permissions groups? If not is there a plugin that does this?
/rg flag <region_ID> entry deny /rg flag <region_ID> entry -g members /rg flag <region_ID> exit deny /rg flag <region_ID> exit -g owners /rg addmember <region_ID> g:member /rg addowner <region_ID> g:VIP This would make it so that the permission groups VIP (region owner) and Member (region member) would be allowed to enter the region, but only the VIP group would be allowed to exit. All other permission groups would be denied entry. Like that.its easy and if u need furthrer help dont hesitate
Shouldn't the first command you showed ( /r flag <region_ID> entry deny) Stop everyone from entering the region? Because it didn't work
thats what im using its working fine.Remember that op's can acess the area no mater what try with a member group (deop) remove * if on your name.
Okay, it works but i had to enable player move event in the wg config files. I'm just trying to deny access to everyone except for a certain group or individual people. What commands would i use? i've tried following above but it hasn't worked so far.
XghosT7 if you link the wiki better link the whole part If you read the last part you should be able to figure it out, if not keep asking Edit: http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldGuard/Regions/Flags
I can't seem to figure it out, I'm doing /rg flag <region_ID> entry deny Then trying to add an exception by doing /rg flag <region_ID> -g members And adding the people i want to enter by doing /rg addmember <region_ID> gplayers name) I know it's wrong but it's all i've figured out so far and it's not working
Can anyone lend a hand? Anyone at all?? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Really sorry about how late this is, if you still need the help the commands you do are similar to what he said. first you region off the area with the command /region define (region name) then you are going to flag it with the command entry deny /region flag (region name) entry deny. Once that is done enter the command /region addmember (region name) ggroup name). it should be compatible with group manager And PEx. I don't really know about others it's not supposed to be a sadface sorry. g: (group name) without the space EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.