World.getEntitiesByClass is broken

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Mike Primm, Jan 26, 2012.

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    Mike Primm

    This is in reference to the new API, World.getEntitiesByClass(), described by and provided in the 1.1_R1 release. While I authored and tested the original implementation, that implementation was altered without my knowledge during the process of being incorporated into the main branch from the Bukkit-Bleeding branch. The API pulled was altered with an attempt to 'improve' it by a member of the Bukkit team during the pull process, after it had been reviewed and tested, and the final code incorporated in the build will generate either compile warnings or errors when used (due to the incorrect use of generic introduced by the 'improvement').

    While this alteration was done without my knowledge or approval, I do still take responsibility for not having repeated my tests after it was pulled - I incorrectly assumed it was pulled 'as is', and that it wasn't necessary to do so, and I apologize for that.

    In any case, I'd suggest avoiding this API in the current RB - while it is possible to cast your way into making it work, its quite likely that the corrected implementation will not be binary compatible (I still need to work this out with the Bukkit team).
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