World Edit CUI

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by 15987632, Apr 16, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics I think

    Suggested name: World Edit CUI

    What I want: So there is a client mod that is an addin for world edit that I used to use called world edit CUI. Basically what it does is highlight the region you have selected with world edit so you don't make those sloppy mistakes with world edit. I want this in a plugin form. Before you say this is impossible it isn't. I was thinking this could be done with particles. This is kinda hard to explain but if you google world edit CUI you can see it. Almost every server out there uses world edit and I think that would make this very useful

    Ideas for commands: /wecui (toggles it off and on)

    Ideas for permissions: maybe make it so everyone with world edit perms can do this but if not

    When I'd like it by: ASAP but take your time I'm in no rush this is just a concept I thought of
  2. Offline


    I understand what you're saying, You'd just have to get the WE API and add particles to WorldEdit commands, or find the code itself. The thing is that once you get out of a (x) ammount of blocks, the particles will go away. So, if you're using it to look at a large area its gonna be kinda hard.
  3. Offline


    MrMdkrocks I never said it would be easy :p and this would involve packets being sent directly to the player so only the player sees the particles so maybe only show particles withen50 blocks of the player
  4. Offline


    This is possible and probably not particularly hard to do (doesn't really even require knowledge of packets, there's that lovely ParticleEffect API).

    You'd have to worry about hitting the particle limit with large selections, though, so maybe particles aren't the best choice.
  5. Offline


    Garris0n thanks I didn't relies there was an API like that
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    Deleted user

    Ooh. What about sending BlockUpdates?

    For large selections, a runnable could be assigned so it doesn't lag the client with an overload of updates. (Like when Factions removes all the seechunk blocks at once)
  10. Offline


    If you have the WorldEdit CUI already installed on your client it does in fact work with multiplayer servers, and it doesnt only just show up in singleplayer.
  11. Offline



    Edit: Wait I didn't actually look at the thread, this isn't Plugin Development...

    It would be much better to send block updates, yes. Particles are too laggy for large selections.
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  15. Offline


    Alright, I started programming and have something that kind of works.

    BUT: There are two major problems:
    1. You can only see the particles up to a distance of about 16 blocks, which means that for large selections this plugin would be less useful.
    2. You can't see the particles through blocks. This means that, as seen in the last screenshot, you can't see your selection if the direct line of sight is blocked.

    Both these problems aren't terrible and don't make the plugin completely useless, but they make it less useful compared to the WorldEditCUI client mod.

    I could also try the BlockUpdate idea, but did the particles first because I thought they looked cooler :D
    15987632 What do you think?
  16. Offline


    Rojet601 I think it looks good and I think it looks good. But it also needs to work on custom regions if u can do that. Also it would be cool if you could fix the 16 block thing but if u can't its cool
  17. Offline


    15987632 With custom regions, do you mean region selections like polygon, ellipsoid, sphere and cylinder selections? If so, I can do that too.
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    DotDash I don't know what you're referring to, my plugin is completely original, it just uses the WorldEdit API to get the current selection.
  20. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    DotDash Who are you aiming for? As far as I know nobody is fixing anything.
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    Rojet601 yes that's what I mean and thanks btw
  22. Offline


    15987632 It also works with polygon and cylinder selections now. I added screenshots of that to the imgur album. Now there are only ellipsoid selections (including sphereoid selections) left. That's going to be tricky...
    15987632 likes this.
  23. Offline


    is there a download for this? i would love this
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    If you read the post above yours then you can see that it is a WIP
  25. Offline


    i know that but in the past i have downloaded a sort of 0.5 edition of a plugin. just wondering if there was a copy i could tryout.
  26. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    If there was one then it should be on this thread.
  27. Offline


    Spheroid and ellipsoid selections now work too (Screenshots). I guess the only thing left is polishing up the code and properly implementing the command :)

    I have a downloadable version. Please give some feedback before I release it on BukkitDev.
    The permission to display the selection is wesv.use, the one for the toggle command (/wesv) is wesv.toggle.

    You can configure some stuff if it makes your server lag, just look in the config.yml and ask when you don't understand an option.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  28. Offline


    Nice job it looks great by the pictures :)
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    15987632 likes this.
  30. Offline


    Rojet601 Very nice job on this! I seen the OP a while back and was hoping someone would do it +1 for you sir.

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