Filled Wither Alert

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Williscool98, Apr 14, 2013.

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    I'd like a simple plugin where if a player makes a wither, it gives a message to the maker of the wither, and everyone else on the server.

    This plugin would have a config where you can change the message and the color of it.

    The message for the maker would be something like "Wh-what have you done?!"
    The message for others would be something like "(Player) just made a wither... Stay back!"

    Commands: /witheralert reload

    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
  2. Offline


    nice idea ;D and i have an idea. Add in Config to deny the Build of Withers? That was nice too!
    message:'You cannot build a wither!'
  3. Offline


    I'm on it, sounds like fun to make :p will have something up soon :)
    Williscool98 likes this.
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    Sebc722 Awesome! Thanks!

    I also had another idea for this plugin, maybe just a simple message to the maker of an Iron Golem or a Snow Golem whenever they make them. Like "You just made an (Iron Golem!/Snow Golem!)"
    It probably wouldn't need to broadcast it everywhere for those though.

    I'm not sure if that would need to be included in this plugin though.
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    Williscool98 maybe I'll add that to the plugin after it is approved :p and don't forget to tag the thread as filled :)
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