[WIP/SPOUT] AdCraft - opens webpages when you join a server!

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by codename_B, Dec 6, 2011.

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    AdCraft is both a server plugin for spout and a client addon for spoutcraft, when both server and client have AdCraft installed, it allows the client to open a webpage (specified by the server) when the server is joined.

    This will be especially useful when forcing use of addons is available, as you will be able to ensure that players have opened/read your rules page.

    Download beta client/server plugin/addon
    bobbysmithyy and r3Fuze like this.
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    This is actually so awesome, only problem is, spout makes me lag :(
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    Spout or Spoutcraft? If your client is lagging, you're likely running an outdated build with bugs or need to adjust your video settings to suit your system. There are a lot more options, so it's easy to go overboard, that's why there's an Optimize button.
  4. Oh noes why isnt it called bAd? ^^

    Otherwise cool idea. Would it be possible to have an option to only open the page when the player joins the server the first time?
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    Of course, this is just a proof of concept atm - more config options will be added as time goes on and userbase increases.
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    I'm actually confused as to what it does? Is it the server will force you to be running the spout client along with the addon join the server? If so that's sounding security feature :p
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