(WIP) RAdmin

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Riderj, Apr 6, 2012.

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  1. Offline



    Current Version: 0.0.5

    Change Log:

    Version 0.0.5:
    - Added unban command
    - Added an online/offline check
    - Started work on /players
    - Modified ban command so you can ban offline players
    - Added hasPlayedBefore checks on unban command
    Version 0.0.4:
    - Added a TP command
    - Fixed a few permission bugs
    - Created a permission level system(Disabled in this version)
    - Added the announcement command structure
    - Optimized the code even more
    Version 0.0.3:
    - Added an EventListener
    - Made it so op's are recognized based on their display name
    Version 0.0.2:
    - Optimized code
    - Added Ban Command
    - Added op check to both the ban and kick command
    Version 0.0.1:
    - Created the basic structure
    - Added Kick Command

    Yes, RAdmin is another administration plugin, before you start complaining and saying "There are like 500 of these out there" I want to put it out there that this is my first plugin. This plugin is basically a plugin to help me with developing plugins for minecraft. With every clarifications put forth, I want to start describing what this plugin is.


    RAdmin is a simple moderation plugin that allows you to moderate your server without any setup. This plugin includes an assortment of commands ranging from world manipulation* to the basic teleportation. It also includes a list of every command in the plugin. This plugin also includes a friendship system, allowing you to add/delete/talk to friends*! It does not conflict with client mods( May conflict with other server moderation mods). This plugin also includes a plugin loader/unloader and reloader*.

    * = Not implemented.

    Planned features:

    Version 0.0.6:

    - World Creation/Deletion/Modifying
    - Join/Leave Messages
  2. Offline


    lol that's the most vague, deflective description I've ever read. You don't really say what your plugin is used for, in any aspect.
  3. Offline


    Haha I know I was thinking that too, I'm not really great at writing :/

    Version 0.0.6 will be out today, along with 0.0.7.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
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