
Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Dysthymic, Dec 12, 2012.

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    MobArmy- Support for preloaded naturally spawning mobs geared with armor, weapons, and other equipment defined in the configuration file.
    Starting on this in a few hours. Should be done rather quick, but I'm guaranteed to run into several bugs. You can expect a build out within a few days or even today if I'm lucky. I've got all the spawning methods figured out I believe so this should be rather possible to do quickly. I'm going to be taking suggestions as well to include new mobs and l such. Hopefully this becomes a fairly popular plugin as several people have requested a plugin as such.

    To do:
    Set a configuration file up
    Set up support for names of preloaded configuration of mobs(easiest way to group the configurations together)
    Set up natural spawning methods for mob types defined in the configuration file
    Support for mob name types of skeletons, zombies, and pigmen to wear equipment linked from config file
    Release a beta build
    Fix any bugs
    Add new mobs such as baby zombie and wither skeleton.
    Add more advanced spawning methods (for them to spawn in groups)
    Take suggestions

    Make the actual Eclipse project and begin a method of how to actually do this

    Could get this done rather quickly; I am fast. So keep checking back throughout the day, I could use some testers.
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    Made the Eclipse project yesterday and began messing around with methods of how I could go about with this project with leaving room to expand. Think I have a pretty good way to do this. Actually beginning the coding phase today. May have a development/beta build out today or tomorrow. You can check up on my bukkit dev project of this on dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/mobarmy
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    Check out the latest dev builds for an equipment api for entities, it sounds like it'll be useful for what you're trying to achieve.
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    Very interesting. I'll look into how I will use it. Could be a lot easier then the method I was going to use
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