[WIP] [FUN/CHAT] ServerNet - Connecting Servers Together

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by jca2323, Oct 30, 2011.

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    ServerNet - Connecting Servers Together
    What I'm planing for ServerNet is a way for users to connect with users on different servers. EX:
    Player wants to chat with Player2, Except Player2 is on a different server. ServerNet will allow Player and Player2 to chat with eachother without even being on the same server.

    Planned Features:
    • Cross-server chatting
    • Getting Server Information from a different server. (ex: Players online, etc)
    • Friend List - Players can add other Players from the same and different Servers. Allows them to get there online status and to start a chat with them
    • MAYBE: For developers, I may add an API
    • Allow users to send e-mail messages to e-mail address

    If anyone has any suggestions, feel free.

    Note: Planned features may be subject to change.

    Any feedback?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  2. Offline


    Is it possible?
  3. Offline


    @gameswereus, Yes, It will create a listening socket on a different port to listen for requests from other servers
  4. Offline


    Sounds awesome.
  5. If your setting up listener ports for every other server, it will just be too CPU intensive. I suggest you do it so you listen to a ServerNet server, and that is the thing what connects servers together.
  6. Offline


    its a great idea, and if you need help i would imagine the source from Server Port Suite will help a lot if/when you get stuck
  7. Offline


    lol I made this like 3 months ago.
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