Filled /wink ;3

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Shamshamm, Apr 12, 2017.

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  1. Hey peoples , i was messing around with friends and all , and we like going like *wink wink* and all , kinda like an Inside joke or whatever ya call it :3

    So then i got an idea for a plugin , so lemme explain what exactly that is xdee

    It's , probably a super simple plugin to do , basically it would go like

    <font color="#ff8000">Misc stuff :</font>

    Plugin category : fun
    Minecraft version : 1.11
    (althought i'm pretty sure Something like that would work on any version)
    Suggested name : winks

    <font color="#ff8000">Commands :</font>

    /wink <player> :
    sends a message to the player , that you can change from the config

    /winks <null | player>:
    displays the number of times you or <player> has been winked at

    /wink-top :
    displays the top 10 most winked at players

    /wink-reset <player> :
    reset the wink count for <player>

    /wink-block <player> :
    block a player from winking at you

    /wink-toggle :
    disallow or allow everyone from winking at you

    /wink-reload :
    reloads the config

    <font color="#ff8000">Permissions :</font>

    - wink.wink.*
    - wink.wink
    - wink.winks
    - wink.winktop
    - wink.winkreset
    - wink.winkblock
    - wink.winktoggle

    <font color="#ff8000">Config :</font>

    <font color="#59b300">######################################
    #Plugin was made by : { insert your name here } lel :3 #
    #The guy who had the super great idea : Shamshamm#

    #The message shown to the player you wink at</font>
    <font color="#003366">Wink message:</font> '&6{PLAYER} &ewinked at you'
    <font color="#59b300">#Cooldown between each wink , in seconds</font>
    <font color="#003366">Wink cd:</font><font color="#ff8000"> 5</font>

    It's a pretty silly plugin but i'd be happei if you guys could do that for me :3
    Thanks you :3

    ~~ Edit : added stuff ~~
    ~~ Edit 2 : made it more pretty ~~
    ~~ Edit 3 : added tuff and made it more pretty again lel ~~
    ~~ Edit 4 : Mod merged posts lel s: ~~
    ~~ Edit 5 : Plugin completed ~~
    ~~ Edit 6 : Added stuff ~~

    Plugin made by <font color="#ff8000">SavageAvocado</font>
    (only missing feature : /wink-top)

    Download :
    <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2017
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