Who wants the old plugin submission back?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by emericask8ur, Aug 25, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    I do!
    j0rd0n420 and Pencil like this.
  2. Offline


    I do, too.
    emericask8ur likes this.
  3. Offline


    let's forget all bad points about dev.bukkit for a sec
    do you really think they made days of work on the new system and then just will say "oh sorry, here are you're precious plugin submissions back" ?

    how about a thread of suggestions of what you think what should be changed or added to dev.bukkit?
    Would make more sense instead a thread full of flames

    oh, btw, yes i do too...
  4. Offline


    Well maybe if they make me a staff i could do the old plugin submission forum and they can continue working on the big stuff they got to do..
  5. Offline


    should hope they never make me staff, i would delete many unnecessary (double) Plugins...
  6. Offline


    People do make similar plugins ill admit that, but still. I could deff manage the Submissions on task and well
  7. But concurrency is what often makes awesome things (for example: I started a plugin even if there where still a lot of other plugins doing something similar but I'm pretty sure that the one I created is the one with the most features atm), so why would you stop it?
    Also, why should it be unnecessary? Some plugins are doing the same in different ways and sometimes I choose plugins based on the way things get done.
    pmx likes this.
  8. Offline


    thats why i shouldn't be able to delete them :p
    But the bigger the choice the harder the choose and i don't really like that at this point and i haven't seen that much of the different ways. I'm looking into the Plugin Submissions and every 5 Plugins i'm thinking "why did he opened a new thread for his Plugin? ...oops, thats a 'new' Plugin"

    Got a Idea, Pluginlist sorted to what the plugins really does would be great. Like:
    -WorldManagement/Teleporting Suites
  9. Offline


    I think its good if they add more to it but lets say they just make a Simple plugin that tells you when someone logs in,...... Theres not only a million of those but a billion lol you kno what i mean
  10. Offline


    yeah, it's surprising that the simple plugins are the ones with thousands clones, the bigger ones may are doubly present too but you can see the difference between them
    emericask8ur likes this.
  11. Okay, now I Think I get the point. Newbies should stop submissing their first selfwritten "hello world" plugins just because they wanna show how 1337 they are. That's true.
  12. Offline


    i guess i forgot that maybe the most of them gets deleted as i can't see which one where approved and which one not.
  13. Offline


    Why, in the name of all things good, would you want the messy thread system back, especially as a plugin dev?
  14. Offline


    I love it, sometime the old is better at times, thats just my opinion, i respect yours,
  15. Offline


    The fact that they're going to end up splitting the community between these two sites is what worries me a little. That, and the huge horror that is Curse. I feel like Curse is going to try and take this too far, and get way more control than they should. It's already bad enough that this system was released without a proper 'account-converter'.

    Instead, we get several people having their account names already in-use on Curse, because Curse just loves forcing people to sign up for one of their accounts. Not to mention, a lot of essential BBCode is missing, which is going to turn posts into mile-long walls of text.

    I wouldn't call the new system 'less messy' than the old. The threads themselves are nicer, but finding plugins is going to be just as much of a hassle in my opinion. We'll have to see how this plays out in about a month or two.
  16. Offline


    I don't know but somehow I think the old site was better. I had the chance to check on the submission plugins, which now won't be possible anymore. Which means that these will surely be lost fast somewhere between the older plugins.
  17. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    I think the new system can be made to work great, the problem is that Curse is going to control it. That is something that I really don't want. Curse is getting their hands on everything Minecraft and trying to fill every little gap possible, but instead of making stuff that integrates with all the already-available Minecraft stuff, they make it so you have to do everything THEIR way, which is stutid.
    JamEngulfer221 and Murrinha like this.
  18. Offline


    This thread in a nutshell: (Thirteen year olds wanting what they want.)

    Curse is a big huge monolithic company that hates us
    No, it just wants to make it's name in gaming.

    My name was taken
    Stop choosing generic names.

    Learn markdown, faster, cleaner, and it also supports HTML so... you don't need bbcode.

    I like the old system
    Sorry, it's not coming back.

    Plugin recursion is high!
    Yes, dumbasses re-create the same plugin 40 million times because they want to be popular. It's annoying, but it happens and you usually end up looking like a douche.

    I haet my lief
    Sorry to hear that.
    poiuyt580 and feildmaster like this.
  19. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    What's the problem with being 13? I feel bad. :(

    The problem with Curse is not that it hates us, you misinterpreted. I think that Curse is making its name in the wrong way. It's very nice of them to do this for Bukkit, but if they're going to be greedy about it, then it's no good. Curse seems to have a way about being greedy with stuff, so my assumption is that this will not be for the benefit of us, but rather for the benefit of them.
  20. Offline


    They let the owners of the sites do whatever they want, I don't see that as greedy in any way.
  21. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    Okay, then why can't we use the forum log-in information on Curse's site?
  22. Offline


    They wanted to sync it with minecraftforums, which uses CURSE...

    All they really need to do is to allow forum users to link a curse username to it.
  23. Offline


    Curse is hosting that and this site doesn't have a legitimate API to connect with that like Curse does.
    And see the previous post.
  24. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    Why would they want to do that? This is Bukkit, not Minecraftforums. Minecraftforums has a terrible community, this community is great (for now). Let's not mess that up.

    I'll take your word for that about the API. But why couldn't they just hook into the MySQL database?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
    Brain and M1sT3rM4n like this.
  25. Offline


    See my edit.
  26. Offline


    Latency, and it's a pain in the ***
  27. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    Fair enough. We'll see what happens, I hope that you're right.
  28. Offline


    Actually, we do. I wrote it. Thanks.
  29. Offline

    Daniel Heppner

    This site has an API? Then why isn't Curse using it?
  30. Offline


    Not sure how about the rest of it but I don't think that "Zarius" is a generic name - it certainly wasn't when I made it up 15 years ago. I successfully registered at both MinecraftForums & here with that name however it was taken on Curse :/ Oh well, life goes on.

    I haven't had a look around bukkit.dev but I don't care about implications for devs that re-create similar plugins - I do care about implications for users trying to find plugins. I hope the new system makes it easier to find new plugins and easier to search for specific plugins or categories.
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