Solved When I spawn a dropped item, it bounces up for a 0.5 block

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MGlolenstine, May 28, 2017.

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  1. Ok, so I'm spawning items, as it should, but because it was spawning in between blocks(getBlockX()), I had to add 0.5 to every coordinate. When the item spawns, it bounces up for another 0.5 instead of directly falling down.
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    It may be stuck in the ground. Add 0.1 to the Y.
  3. Tried it, it's a bit better but still bouncing up...
  4. Offline


    What if you increase it to 0.2? The only reason it bounces it because it is clipping into something. Continue to slowly increase the amount until it no longer bounces.
  5. Thanks, it works with 0.5!
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