When do I need to use @Override

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Itay080, Jan 14, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    I have recently noticed that some developers use @Override below their onEnable and onDisable method, what is it doing? My plugins are working perfectly without, do I even need it?
  2. Offline


    @Override overrides an inherited method from a parent. I would suggest you learn some more common java on inheritance.
  3. Offline


    This is a java question. Override does what it says, it overrides the method from the extended class, and you don't create a new one, it doesn't actually matter in terms of runtime.
  4. Offline


    You don't need @Override. You can override methods without using that annotation. It's just good practice to use that annotation because it's easy to see that you are overriding a method and the compiler will complain if a method with the @Override annotation can't be overridden.
  5. Offline


    And helps to avoid the issues, where someone complains about how the onCommand method has a bug, when he misstyped it to onComand
  6. Offline


    Yes. That is a good example. Also some people write the onEnable/Disable methods with a capital O.

    @Itay080 If you don't understand when a method is overridden, then you need to learn about inheritance. It's basic OOP stuff anyway that you should already know.
  7. Offline


    Seems like this is the only thing I skipped when studying basic Java..
  8. Offline



    It's not really tutorialised in many places, so it's pretty easy to miss.
    Itay080 likes this.
  9. Offline


    Doesn't it make it so I don't need to do
    and can do
    onEnAbLe? (I wouldn't do that, just wondering...)
  10. Offline


    @ChipDev Not sure. Interesting question.
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    It ensures that a method of that exact signature exists in some parent class or interface, and avoids common typography errors like the ones you showed. It is an annotation that is only used by the compiler and is erased when the class is compiled.
    ChipDev likes this.
  13. Offline


    Btw, does annotations, like eventhandler stay there or if doesn't, then how does bukkit find them?
  14. Offline



    EventHandler is kept after compiling.
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    Uhm, I have a pretty stupid question, when I use @Override, or @EventHandler, it only stays for the void after it, right?
    For example, if I have:
    void hi() {


    void hello() {

    void wassup(){


    Only hello is going to be an event, right?
  17. Offline


    Nope, it would show an error, because hello doesn't have any arhuments
  18. Offline


    Yeah, its good practice to use ;)

    Yes- like @mcdorli said, it will throw an error, but only hello will be an EventHandler

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
  19. Offline


    Yea I know that it will throw an error, that was just for the example.
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