what's with all the permissionsex hate.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by fugue2005, Aug 6, 2012.

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    i read this linked in the vanishnopacket forum

    i'm not a permissionsex fanboi i would really like to know what's up with this.
    here's my personal experience.

    load bpermissions.jar without editing anything.
    esentials spawn

    set myself as op.
    log in
    get my console spammed with bpermissions errors cant use a single command due to errors spamming so hard that it eventually crashes bukkit so i don't even know if op works.

    2. load permissionsex without editing anything
    vault essentials
    essentials spawn
    set myself as op log in, 0 errors can use every command

    are other admins really having that many problems with permissionsex that people are railing against it?
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    I've never heard anyone hate on it.

    Personally, I use GroupManager. I used to use PermissionsBukkit, and it worked great, but it didn't have a prefix feature.
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    PEX used to not support Bukkit Perms and send it's issues to other plugin developers when it wasn't their issue at all since they were supporting proper Bukkit Perms compliance.

    Heroes doesn't support PEX because it doesn't natively handle Bukkit Permissions the right way. We've had several occurrences in the past where users were on PEX and couldnt use Heroes properly - when they switched to bPerms, it fixed their issue. (This may not be the case now but was 100% the case in the past)

    I've never had issues with bPerms in this respect.

    When these issues were brought to the devs attention he still assumed that his plugin wasn't the one broken.
    mbaxter and TnT like this.
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    What Kainzo said. Pretty much every permissions problem report for ScrollingMenuSign was coming from PEX users (this was a few months ago - I had to basically rework my permission node hierarchy because PEX couldn't handle certain permission node inheritance, when bPermissions/PermissionsBukkit/GroupManager didn't have a problem). And I believe PEX still breaks the Bukkit.broadcast() method due to some highly dubious injection. mbaxter can possibly expand on that one... :)

    I guess server admins love PEX since the config syntax is like the old Permissions 3. Plugin developers tend to be... less fond of PEX :rolleyes:
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    desht is correct. I wrote up a simple demo plugin that shows PEX's breaking of the broadcast method.

    With PEX:

    Without PEX:
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    well then i must be doing something horribly wrong, because when i try to run bperms with empty groups files the server just dies. and my console spams so much that i can't log in.
    but when running pex with empty files i can log in i just can't do anything.

    is there really such an absolutely massive difference between how these plugins work that would cause this?

    Attached Files:

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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    You should paste the errors in a new thread so someone can help.
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    all of the errors are playerjoin events or playermove events.
    my question is should bperms be working with with empty default generated files?
    or is this an issue with the update not liking the playerjoin and playermove events?

    i would post the server logs, but i don't think i can upload zips.
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    In a word: Yes.

    You'd probably be better served by asking for help from the bPerms authors at http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissions/ - there's some information on how to get support there. (Actually I think you've already found the forums there :) )
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    desht likes this.
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