What's the difference between a Mod and a Plugin?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Premm, Oct 6, 2013.

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    Hi, sorry if this question is stupid but im just wondering what the difference is? What capabilities do mods have that plugins don't, if any?

    Im new to the dev community but definitely want to get involved. Any links to setting up/ getting started tutorials would also be really appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Premm.
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    A mod is something that modifies the code of a project. Like with normal Minecraft Mods. Basically you're adding on more code directly into the gamecode.

    A plugin is something that hooks into the code of a project. It doesn't directly modify any of the code, but it can get and set variables from within the original project.

    My Favorite Plugin makers
    pogostick29 => youtube.com/pogostick29dev
    betterphp => youtube.com/betterphp

    These two people are very good at coding. I plan to make my own tutorials some day too. pogostick29 is more basic things, once you learn all that, watch betterphp's videos to get more indepth. There's another youtube channel TheBCBroz, but their code is very messy and hard to follow, so I'd only suggest them for a last ditch effort.

    You can also always view the Bukkit JavaDocs, GitHub Reposity or the Bukkit Plugin Tutorial.

    Happy Coding! :)
    michaelkrauty and CubieX like this.
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    Mod = Modification of the Minecraft client. So the minecraft.jar gets altered and this usually also works in single player. (Example: Reis Minimap)
    Server-Mods are also existing.

    Plugin = Add-On for a Bukkit server which can only manipulate things that are handled server side.

    A plugin can not manipulate things that are handled client side.
    For example, you can't change textures of items for a player with a plugin alone, because his resource pack is a client feature.
    You cannot change, add or remove game sounds for the same reason.
    Some ingame mechanics are also handled client side. For example which page a player is currently reading in a book.
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    Awesome thanks guys!
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    Moved to correct section.
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