What methods() should i use?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by spoonikle, Feb 17, 2011.

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    feel free to call me lazy or not answer.

    I am planing my first plug-in, it not going to break new ground or anything, its just to help my servers fishing economy.

    fishing, is very reliant on fast reactions that can be ruined by lag, and is very slow and random.
    so i want to make a plug-in to add 3 extra fish you a players inventory when they catch a fish,
    as well as to force a catch of 1 if the player misses the normal fish event after fishing for 40 seconds.

    i know that bukkit dose not detect when an item spawns yet, so it has to relay on when the item enters players inventory after a fishing rod was activated 2 times, it also needs to ignore this if the player has dropped a fish in the last 40 seconds, and if the have already gotten the "big catch" within the last 1 min 40 seconds.

    i have a RodActivation class, this will detect if the rod was used 2 times and it has a rodTime() method to detect the time between the first rod activation and the second one.

    the methods to work this class are not written i have no idea where to start and i would like a nudge in the right direction.

    the rest i can work out on my own, i think... and even if i cant i wont bother you (who ever answers) with it.
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