[WEB/ADMN] - Webukkit v0.beta9.5-fix3

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by cyberbobjr, Feb 12, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Version: v0.9.5-fix3
    Webukkit is a http interface for Bukkit.

    • Stats pages : top 10 builders, killers, travelers, etc. based on the Stats Plugin
    • GUI Plugins (see screenshots) for :
      • Permissions plugin
      • Achievements plugins
    • Show a map of your world (with an url like dynmap or a image file like mcmap)
    • Show/modify/backup your plugins configuration files
    • Access to some commands of TCP Plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admin-dev-tcp-interface-for-bukkit-v1-1-297.746/) :
      • Send a message to a connected player
      • Send a message to all players connected
      • Kick a player
      • Display player's inventory
      • Destroy an item in the player's inventory
      • Give item to a player
    • Access to Remote Toolkit Plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...view-full-remote-console-access-r10-a7-1.674/) :
      • Restart server
      • Restart forced server
      • Stop server
      • Stop Minecraft server
      • Start Minecraft server
      • Send console command and watch the result (ban, kick, op, deop, deban, etc.)
    • Interaction with Permissions plugin : allows users to register and be automatically listed in the Permissions plugin with a choosen world and a choosen group
    • Access to the server log
    • Theme support, you can made your own theme ! (Minecraft theme is provided, see screenshots)
    • Permissions for the website : ability to access map & stats pages for public/registered users
    Planned/Todo :

    - Edit profile for users : add avatar option for stats pages - (not started yet, planned for the 1.0)
    - Signature generator : make signature with player's stats - (not started yet, planned for the 1.0)
    - GUI for GroupManager : i'm waiting for the YAML fix or for the SQLite version of GM...
    - Mini blog engine : add posts and comments in the Public interface (not started yet, maybe for the 1.0 version)
    - Replace TCP Remote Plugin by my own plugin : RemoteTCP (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/dev-remotetcp-v1-0-crypted-server-query-602.10506/), more secure, more faster.


    You will need :
    • HTTP server with mod_rewrite support
    • MySQL 5
    • PHP 5.2 or greater (or PHP 5 but with json package)
    Download (open)

    You can download the archive here : http://code.google.com/p/bukkit-webadmin/downloads/list

    You can access the source code here : http://code.google.com/p/bukkit-webadmin/source/checkout

    Screenshots (open)

    Webukkit permissions (Theme : minecraft)
    Gui for Achievements (Theme : minecraft)
    Stats page (with Stats plugin) (Theme : minecraft)
    Installation Windows
    Connexion Windows
    Configuration Windows
    Map Windows (with dynmap)
    Map Windows (with integrated viewer - mcmap example)
    Log Windows
    Plugin Editor Windows
    Status Windows : Server command & Player command & Player inventory
    GUI for Permissions plugin

    Installation (open)

    A tutorial was write for installation, look at this : Tutorial step 1

    You must have an HTTP server AND a MySQL base AND PHP Version >5.2 (for json thanks to zajacmp3 ;))
    1. Unzip the archive in your html root folder.
    2. Go to http://yourserver/index.php/installer/ and follow instructions.
    Linux Users, attention :
    • The files unzipped must be owned by the apache group !
    • If you want to modify config file for plugins, the minecraft directory must be writable by the apache group !
    Install these scripts to the same server that host Minecraft if you want to edit config files of plugins.

    If you want to use TCP Bukkit Interface, it's must be configured with this option :

    Upgrade to 0.7 (open)

    From 0.5beta : please don't do an upgrade with the 0.5beta, it's better to do a fresh install.
    From 0.6beta : is not necessary, uncompress the 0.7beta archive and run it's enough.

    Instructions :

    1. Unzip the archive into your Bukkit Webadmin directory (be careful to the rights)
    2. Go to http//yourserver/updater and generate the tables you don't have.

    Interaction with Permissions plugin (open)

    I've tested this functionnality with Permissions Plugin 2.1.
    Be carefull : do a backup of your config file "yml" before.

    This functionnality let your users to register on the site and automaticaly be added to the Permissions Plugin.
    You choose the default group and default world for new users.
    This functionnality is not mandatory, it's an option, you can choose to activate it or not.

    For enabling this functionnality, go in the config menu, check "Use Permissions plugin" and choose the default world and default group. The group list is calculated dynamically on the configuration file of Permissions plugin.

    Each time a user registers on the site, a new entry is added into config "yml" file of Permissions plugins. If you use the Nukkit plugin (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/ad...-web-based-authentication-and-promotion.4631/) the permissions will be automatically reloaded, if not you must reload manually configuration of Permissions plugin.
    If you want to reload automatically permissions plugins, click on the chekbox "Reload permissions after new register ?" (warning it's experimental). You must have RemoteToolkit Plugin enabled and correctly configured.

    How to made your own theme (open)

    Theme files must be in the directory /theme
    The name of the directory will be the name of your theme, it will be visible in the config menu.
    In your theme directory, make CSS and IMG directory.
    Inside CSS, put your ... CSS files :) You must have 3 CSS :
    • "default.css" - General CSS for the website
    • "jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css" - You can generate CSS at this url : http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/
    • "selectmenu.css" - CSS for the dropdown langage selector
    Inside IMG, put all images files necessary for your theme.

    For example, you want to design a theme called "NochtheBest".
    Create a directory named "NochtheBest" in "Theme" directory.
    Create a CSS and IMG in "NochtheBest", copy your CSS and IMG files inside them.
    You will have :
    \ - Theme
    \ - NotchtheBest​
    \ - CSS​
    \ - IMG​

    Done! You can change your theme in the config menu to "NotchtheBest"

    Changelog (open)

    version 0.9.5-fix3 - 2011-04-16
    • Fix a bug with achievement editor
    • Fix a bug for the path of items.txt
    version 0.9.5-fix2 - 2011-04-14
    • Fix for Stats & Achievements v0.9
    version 0.9.5-fix1 - 2011-03-22
    • Remove test menu :p
    version 0.9.5 - 2011-03-21
    • Add SQL support for Stats & Achievements plugin
    • Add support for Stats & Achievements plugin v0.8
    • Fix a bug for a trailing slash in the main root url
    • Add singlequote instead of doublequote for YAML config file
    version 0.beta9 - 2011-03-13
    • Add theme support
    • Add permissions for website (for stats & map)
    • Add stats pages (with Stats plugin)
    • Add group and user management for webukkit
    • Add GUI for Achievements plugin
    • Add an option for reloading Permissions plugin when a user is registered (experimental)
    • Full french translation
    version 0.beta8 - 2011-03-11
    • Add a php version check for the installer
    • Add a langage selector (French is translated "petit à petit") - Thanks to Amrac !
    • Add a GUI for Permissions plugins
    • Modify the registration system for new users into Permissions plugins, add the world option
    • Fix a bug with trailing slash in the minecraft path
    • Fix a bug in core.php for the UTC time zone
    Version 0.beta7 - 2011-03-01
    • The name is now "Webukkit" instead of "Webadmin Bukkit"
    • Subdirectory feature : you can now install Webukkit in a subdirectory instead of a root web directory
    • Add an edit button for editing template plugin
    • Fix a bug images displayed in inventory when you use subdirectory
    • Add a log windows : now you can see the log server.
    • You can send command to the console in the "log" menu (be careful it's experimental, use it at your own risk).
    • Add another map system, you can now use a standard image file for displaying map instead of a url for dynmap (the image file must be stored in /maps/images)
    • Ajax request don't block the windows now, a simple "wait cursor" is now displayed when an Ajax request is made
    Version 0.beta6 - 0211-02-24
    • Fix a bug when the plugin name contain a space, the plugin tab did not display the config file.
    • In the installer, you can now choose if you want to create a database or use a existing one, you can also set the prefix for tables.
    • You don't need anymore to be root of the database for creating tables and inject data, a valid account with privilege is enough.
    • Add licence information
    • Add "hold" and "unhold" command for Remote toolkit
    • Automaticaly add registered users to Permissions Plugin with a default choosen group (it's an option, you can uncheck this feature if you want)
    • Add some verifications check in the register panel
    • Add user management in the config tab
    • Add a button in the 'Edit plugin' menu for deleting old config file
    • Add new items from the Minecraft 1.3 version
    Version 0.beta5 - 2011-02-21
    • Remove the rewriting process, no more .htaccess !
    • Major change in directories structures
    • Add a user registration (for later)
    • Various minors fixes and checks
    Version 0.beta4 - 2011-02-18
    • Add Remote toolkit support (it's now possible to restart the server)
    • Add UTF-8 support for config file (Gastronomic plugin for example)
    • During the update it is now possible to import new templates plugins
    • During the installation, the "tmp" directory AND subdirectories are write-checked
    • CSS cleaning
    • Remove some useless function (the status windows display faster now)
    • Windows in the inventory panel are moveable
    • All always, some minors bugs fixed
    Version 0.beta3 - 2011-02-16
    • Add inventory management
    • Change the status windows
    • Add a check for installation for security (if a file exist, you can't install anymore)
    • Add an updater processus
    Version 0.beta2 - fix 2
    • Add verification of permissions in the installer process and the config process.
    Version 0.beta2 - fix 1
    • Many littles fixes for Linux system
    Version 0.beta2
    • First release to the public

    0.beta9.5 is still free, but you can donate.

    v1.0 will cost 5€ when it will be done.


    PS : sorry for my bad English, i'm a French native ;)

    Thanks to MonsieurApple for his Minelink PHP Class (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/minelink-0-1.3564/)

    Tested on :
    Windows 7 - Xampp 1.7.3
    Windows XP - Xampp 1.7.3
    Linux ClearOS 5.1 - Apache/PHP 5/MySQL 5.2
    Centos 5.3 - You must upgrade PHP to 5.2 => http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/PHP_5.1_To_5.2

    Tested with :
    CraftBukkit build 617
    Permissions plugin 2.5.4
    TCP Plugins 1.2
    Remote Toolkit plugin r10 a8.2
    Stats & Achievements v0.9
  2. really nice but i only get errors on installation :(

    Success !

    You must define an host and a login for database access!
    Error during the creation of database ! (maybe insufficient permissions ?)
    Error during the creation of tables ! (maybe insufficient permissions ?)
    Error during the creation of data ! (maybe insufficient permissions ?)
  3. Offline


    i get this error while trying to acess anything.
    Server error

    The website encountered an error while retrieving http://acheron.dyndns.tv/BukkitAdmin/index.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

    i have vbulletin also installed.
  4. Offline


    Hi, it might be a failure because of rights access.
    Are you under Linux ? in this case, be carefull that all dirs are chowned by apache.
    Your error is because the script cannot read PHP session, the PHP session was stored under the /app/tmp directory.
    Maybe this directory has not the rights permissions.
    Keep me informed please.
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 7:31 PM ---
    Mhh, it seem to be an conflict between .htaccess. I've trying to connect to http://acheron.dyndns.tv/BukkitAdmin/installer, and i got an error. I had this error too when my webserver was misconfigured for taking in charge .htaccess file. I said that because the error you pasted is not a "Bukkit Webadmin" error.
    Keep me informed please.
  5. Offline


  6. Offline


    AbsolutePolak, please can you set :

    in your /app/config/core.php ?
    and give me the error message please :)
  7. i got only errors
    ": Undefined variable: js [APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 46]"
  8. Offline


    PeopleSaw, please can you tell me when you have this error ?
    Does the installation was a success ?
  9. installation is now success
    i got this error after login
  10. Offline


    : Undefined variable: js [APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 46]
  11. Offline


    ok, it seem to be the same error than absolutepolak.
    I've find the error, it's a @#'!? problem of camelcase.... the folder "/app/views/Public" must be rename to "/app/views/public"...
    Argh i'm really sorry, i'll fix it in 5 minutes...
  12. it is already lowercase but its pluginS
  13. Offline


    Sorry, i wanted to mean "Public" to "public"... i'm tired ;)
  14. its okay :9 its a realy nice work !
  15. Offline


    Thanks you, it's my first "real" web project... I hope to improve error handling and add many new functionnality asap.
  16. Offline


    k works now :)
    the plugin tabs disaplay this
    Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible.
  17. the config resets everytime at me :/ ? know why ß
  18. Offline


    k, on the max players it shows
    Server not running
    and on the number of players its blank.
    btw will you make it be able to restart the server etc?
  19. Offline


    For AbsolutePolak, for your map display :
    For the moment only dynmap works natively, i'm sorry :(

    Or if you want to display your map, you must copy the file "last. png" to /app/webroot/img
    and in the config panel write for Dynmap, you should indicate :
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 9:27 PM ---
    Strange, i don't see this problem before... are you sure to click on the save button ?
  20. sure, i have clicked "view plugins" and than it is reset
  21. Offline


    Yeah, i planned to manage drdanick's Remote Toolkit. With this plugin it will be possible to restart server.
    I must do tests with 1.1 version of TCP Bukkit, sometimes there are desynchronizations between TCP Bukkit and a PHP class.
    I'll investigate it.
  22. ok sorry, was an error @ me
  23. Offline


    Note :
    The rights of the directories in Linux are quite restrictive, for example, the directory containing Minecraft must be writable by the Apache process to save / backup the config files.
    --- merged: Feb 12, 2011 10:22 PM ---
    You must be set this option :

    In the BukkitTcpServer config file.

    In the next version, the installer will check directory permissions.
  24. Very nice work :) i love this interface
  25. Offline


    After installing this, everything works perfectly, except I can't use the View Plugins features. It shows two of my plugins, BukkitTcpServer and Permissions, but both of those tabs display the message "Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible." In your screenshots, you show these tabs working as usual. Is there something special I need to do in order for those tabs to work?

    Also, I'm using Bukkit build 312 if that helps.
  26. Offline


    This is an ajax error, it's really strange i never see this error before.
    Please can you tell me if the "Ajax loader" window is show when you click on plugins tabs ?
    In the config tab, you can define plugins with there parameters : name and path to config file.
    Please can you check if the config file of each plugin is correctly present in the plugin directory of minecraft ?
    Thanks you.

    Edit : please can you tell me if you have a Linux or Windows system ?
    Which version of Bukkit Webadmin have you installed ?
    thanks you
    --- merged: Feb 16, 2011 5:29 PM ---
    Update done to beta3, don't hesitate to share your experience.
  27. Offline


    i would like to use this plugin without mod_rewrite / .htaccess (i dont use apache)
    when i reconfigure cakephp
     * To configure CakePHP *not* to use mod_rewrite and to
     * use CakePHP pretty URLs, remove these .htaccess
     * files:
     * /.htaccess
     * /app/.htaccess
     * /app/webroot/.htaccess
     * And uncomment the App.baseUrl below:
        Configure::write('App.baseUrl', env('SCRIPT_NAME'));
    the installation doesn't work (url: blabla.com/index.php?url=installer)
    screenshot: http://vvcap.net/db/UaAJINvplnNYoefq3MBH.htp
    when i click the button, the fading box appears, disappears and nothing.
    i think there's a problem in the js-code
    $(document).ready(function () {$("#submit-281548029").bind("click", function (event) {$.ajax({0:null, data:$("#submit-281548029").closest("form").serialize(), success:function (data, textStatus) {parseResult(data);}, type:"post", url:"\/minecraft\/BukkitAdmin\/index.php\/installer\/checkConnection"});
    return false;});
    it seems that it tries to use the nice mod_rewrite urls and fails...
    could u implement a if-clause to check the App.baseUrl-var ?

    --- merged: Feb 17, 2011 2:32 PM ---
    i implemented the .htaccess rewrites into nginx rewrite, now it works:
        location /minecraft/BukkitAdmin {
            index index.php;
            if (!-e $request_filename) {
                rewrite ^ /minecraft/BukkitAdmin/ redirect;
            location /minecraft/BukkitAdmin/ {
            alias /var/www/minecraft/BukkitAdmin/app/webroot/;
            index index.php;
                    if (!-e $request_filename) {
                            rewrite ^/minecraft/BukkitAdmin/(.+)$ /minecraft/BukkitAdmin/index.php?url=$1 last;
  28. Offline


    Like we said in France : "ouf" ;)
    Thank for your report, i don't know Nginx but you give me a good idea to take in charge HTTP server without rewrite. I'll work on it (but not for the moment, i'm coding the DrDanick's Remote Toolkit interface).

    Many thanks
  29. Offline


    Salut compatriote :p,

    I Just install'd your plugin, he is working (not completly but i'm confident it' will).
    Here are the rewrite for lighttpd users :
     alias.url = ("/admin/" => "/var/www/minecraftadmin/")
    $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/admin/" {
                           server.document-root = "/var/www/minecraftadmin/app/webroot/"
    The installer should be availlable at : http://your_host/alias/index.php/installer/

    I had to:
    mkdir app/tmp/cache
    mkdir app/tmp/cache/persistent
    mkdir app/tmp/cache/models
    chown -R www-data:www-data .

    But in plugins page, I got for §BuckitTCPSever, and Permissions : Couldn't load this tab. We'll try to fix this as soon as possible.

    I assume it's normal ?

    Edit : Also have in the header :
    Notice (8): Undefined variable: version [APP/views/layouts/default.ctp, line 30]
    When i'm at index.php/users/login
  30. Offline


    Hi, I'm in Korea minecraft users.
    Two days trying to install, but after installation I am not from the beginning of the first plug-in settings.
    Can you make me do a video shoot?
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