Votifier Listener

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Arrxzon, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Plugin: votifier listener with economy support,

    What I want:
    When a player votes there is an X amount of chance to get lucky and recieve extra money.

    An example of what the configurable listener.yml might include

    # Sends public broadcast to server.
    public-message: '&e%name% voted for us from %service%.'
    # Sends private message to the voting player.
    private-message: '&eThanks for voting!'
    commands to execute:
    - 'eco give %name% 1000'
    chance of getting lucky:
    - (How ever you can include it eg.)
    30%chance to execute command:
    - 'eco give %name% 1500'
    20%chance to execute command:
    - 'eco give %name% 2000'

    Ideas for commands: none
    Ideas for permissions: none
    When I'd like it by: No rush, at all

    so thanks to whoever can help out
    There is a chance that a listener with this feature is already out there but i had no luck finding it.
  2. Offline


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