Solved Very quick XP question...

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by meguy26, Apr 4, 2015.

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    Just as a quick question, when i call "player.setLevel(x)" in my code, does it trigger a PlayerExpChangeEvent?
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    It should. You can test it by setting up the Event that prints a message and having a command that uses. setLevel().
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    Answer for your question: unfortunately no (if believes to Bukkit JavaDoc).
  4. Offline


    No, no, thats good! I dont want it to be called when i change it in code.
    See, im doing a custom leveling system, so im cancelling XpChangeEvent, and if the code triggered that then my plugin would not work :).

    I'm going to test it now.

    EDIT 2:

    Tested, it is as @An0nym8us says, callin player.setLevel(x) in code will not trigger PlayerExpChangeEvent
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
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