
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Invenstory, Nov 21, 2018.

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    Plugin name: VerticalBosses

    What this plugin supposed to do:
    Spawn bosses with commands and when the boss die should drop custom items that you can
    configure on config.

    • /boss give <bossname> <playername> <ammount> (Giving the egg of the boss) - bosses.admin
    • /boss kill (Killing the triggered boss) - bosses.admin
    • /boss reload (reloading the config) - bosses.admin
    • /boss (list of commands) - boss.admin

    Version: 1.8

    Prefix: '&c&lBosses &8| &7'
    No Permission: '&c&l(!) &cYou don't have permission for this command'
    Reload: '&aReloaded'
    Boss Give: '&7Gave &cx%amount% %boss% &7to &c%player%'
    Received Boss: '&7You received &cx%amount% %boss%
    Boss Kill: '&4Killed'
    Boss Killed by player: '&aYou killed the %boss% &7congratz! (When killing the boss should play a sound like when u kill the dragon'

    name: 'Zombie King' (The name of the boss)
    displayname: '&c&lZombie King' (The name of the boss as tag and egg)
    lore: (Lore of the egg)
    - '&7LINE 1'
    - '&7LINE 2'
    egg: 373 (Egg and data are the ids of the item)
    data: 54
    hits: 25 (25 hits needs for the boss to kill)
    commands: (Commands that gonna run when the boss die)
    - bc &c%player% &7Killed the %boss% &7and won awesome rewards!
    items: (items that gonna drop)
    item: diamond
    data: 0
    amount: 64
    spawner: zombie
    amount: 1
    name: '&cZombie Spawner'

    1. When the boss die should play a sound like when the dragon die
    2. When the boss spawn play a scary ideas :(
    3. %boss% should say the ''displayname'' of the boss and not the ''name''
    4. I won't make the plugin more harder so you make it with HITS as HEALTH
    so when the boss needs 25 hits to die, after dying should run the commands and drop the items from config

    Thats all! i know this plugin is hard to make it
    and i know that no one gonna make it but okey imma just try to post this :3
    Take your time to make it but please make it good ^_^

    Sry for my bad English.... if you don't understand something please pm me
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