Solved Vectors: Add one block in direction

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Pink__Slime, May 25, 2013.

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    How would I go about getting one block in front of a player? I currently have player.getLocation().getDirection() but it returns a vector and I can't figure out how to add one block to the direction they are facing.
    Player is facing North, so it will take off 1 on the z.
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    Why not just get the yaw, find which direction the player is facing from it, and place block accordingly by adding to or subtracting from the value of the x- or z-axis?
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    Could do that... I'll try it out and come back.

    Ok... Could you possibly post some code showing how I'd do that? Can't figure it out.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2016
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    Does player.getLocation().add(player.getLocation().getDirection()).getBlock(); work ?
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    For what I want to use it for, no. Basically, (I think I should've mentioned this in OP), I want to launch a projectile that looks like it's coming from the players head.
    The only way I can do it without it hitting the player is player.getEyeLocation().add(0, 1, 0); which I don't want because then it's near impossible to aim the projectile perfectly.
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    You can set the projectiles shooter so it doesn't hit him. Also you can use what i have posted above but with player.getEyelocation and you can multiply the direction vector with any double to scale it.
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    1. WitherSkull wither = p.getWorld().spawn(p.getLocation().add(p.getEyeLocation().getDirection().getBlock()), WitherSkull.class);

    The method getBlock() is undefined for the type Vector.
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    i am sorry i am writing via phone:

    WhitherSkull skull = ...spawn (p.geteyelocation ());
    Skull.setShooter (p);
    Skull.setvelocity (p.getlocation ().getdirection ());

    Or dont you want to set the shooter ?

    Then you could:

    ...spawn (p.geteyelication ().add (p.getlocation ().getDirection ().normalize ()));
    Pink__Slime likes this.
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