Vault equivalent for Minigames

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by PatPeter, Dec 24, 2012.

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    Double0negative PogoStick29 Malo Pimpin PSP beechboy2000 SkitScape tommytony Superyoshi TimWolla garbagemule ACStache slipcor _Husky_ Xarinor bootscreen

    Hello Minigame developers mentioned and unmentioned,

    I've had this idea in my head for a while now and with the influx of ideas from the members of my server on minigames, I wanted to post about it. I want to create or aid in the creation of a Vault equivalent for Minigames. Basically, this plugin would have all the necessary components for creating a minigame plugin.

    At best, it would include a scripting language for the creation of games within the plugin. At minimum, it would include an API for other plugins to use, as I said, like Vault. This plugin would have to include:
    • A way to save inventories before entering the game and restoring them properly after leaving. This should be compatible with Multiverse. For instance, MobArena has a critical bug where cross-world arenas will wipe a player's inventory and this has to be avoided.
    • Creation of game regions, which will probably be delegated to WorldGuard/WorldEdit.
    • Region rollback, similar to that done by the War plugin where any addition to the arena can be undone, and blocks destroyed by players during the arena can be replaced.
    • Definition of both player spawnpoints and mob spawnpoints.
    • Loadouts for players.
    • Classes for players (that modifies health, damage, etc.).
    Many of your plugins have this functionality already, so it's a matter of merging code and stripping any plugin-specific fingerprints to put out a pure Minigames plugin that others can build upon.

    Also, to any non-developers who happen across this thread: if you have minigame ideas that you do not believe would be supported by this plugin, please specify what this plugin would need to have.
    bobacadodl likes this.
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    you is blindin me wit tags.
    lol but srsly stop tagging the entire bukkit forum!
    and learn to use google.
  4. Offline


    Already exists XD
  5. Offline


    Very stupid indeed.
    And how could you ever forget me? That makes me sad.
  6. Offline


    Good idea, but similar things are out there (not saying you can't make you're own better version :3). Mass tagging, and ya Forget me?
  7. Offline


    lolz @ all the people bothering about not being tagged
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    Heya PatPeter, it was mentioned already but my plugin BattleArena is really just an API/framework that does what you are talking about. I say that BattleArena comes with "seven" different games, but really they are all just me changing each of the configs to make the games different. Check out ArenaPaintball, I actually make 2 different game types here, but it's still very simple.

    Besides what you mentioned (because battlearena handles all of what you asked for). These are what I think are coolest features of the API
    * bukkit events only get called when players are inside the game, or while the game is running if the bukkit event returns no player. This makes it very easy for plugin developers to worry about the event, not who is inside, who has left,etc.
    * Saving/loading data is already done just by adding @Persist to a variable. For simple objects like, lists, hashes, etc, of primitives. A lot of people hate saving and loading things from yaml files.
    * You can just edit the Messages.yml to completely customize the look of your plugin.

    Some of the games made on the API , ArenaPaintball, ArenaSpleef, ArenaCTF, ArenaFutbol.

    Honestly, an API is what I had in mind when I was coding, and I would love to have someone excited about being the Vault of minecraft, because that is what I'm trying to do. we should really talk! my skype is: alkarinv
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    I want you to take a breath, and then think about what you just said and how stupid it sounds.

    And this one's so smart he doesn't know how to cite a Google search...

    And this one's so smart he doesn't know how to cite what already "exists"...

    And this one's so smart he doesn't know how to specify what is "stupid"...

    So is anyone going to present a proof on why mass tagging is so "unprofessional"?

    THANK YOU. I was going to use this as my opener, but then I saw your post and just had to quote you.

    Other than fireblast709 and skipperguy12, it seems like alkarin is the only other person capable of coherent speech posting on this thread, instead of using words they don't know the definitions of, and allegations they don't back up!

    The reason I used all of those tags was because I want these plugins to use such an API, and if BattleArena is capable of that, then they should implement BattleArena. As for talking alkarin, I will not be available due to it being Christmas.
    JazzaG likes this.
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    Oh? So you're saying it's not very annyoing, and therefore quite stupid, that you tag everyone? Do you know what 'indeed' is indicating? No? Read the posts above. You want to get something done, you need the help of others.. would it be smart to annoy them? I think it's rather stupid.

    I know the definition of stupid, do you?
  12. Offline


    You failed to specify whether it was stupid that I posted a thread without knowing of BattleArena (the first reply, why don't you try rereading the thread), or whether it was stupid that I used so many tags.

    Once again, you are asserting something without proving it. You assert that mass tagging is "annyoing" (whatever that means, but I'll assume it means annoying), and therefore stupid. Since stupid is not synonymous with annoying and you provided no correlation between the two words, I must declare your argument invalid.

    If you are wondering why I did not include you, you are proving it yourself by acting holistically like an irrational individual.
  13. Offline


    First off, I'm terribly sorry for misspelling 'annoying' (I'm not a native speaker, but that doesn't make me any dumber than you are). Also, you have these things called 'signal words' (I'm not entirely sure that's a correct English word, but I'll explain what it means): words that indicate that there's, for example, an example, or a chronological connection, or an enumeration, or something else.

    "Indeed" is such a word. "Indeed" is my first post. My first post says: "Very stupid indeed". Which means there was a connection between what I said, and what others said.

    Now, let's take a look at the posts above me. This is where we find the following:

    "What's up with the mass tagging? That's very unprofessional."

    "you is blindin me wit tags.
    lol but srsly stop tagging the entire bukkit forum!"

    Point clear? Good.

    You also mentioned that I provided "no correlation between the two words". I'm pretty sure I did and I doubt the fact that you readed my post. What about taking a look at it now?

    "You want to get something done, you need the help of others.. would it be smart to annoy them? I think it's rather stupid."

    So, let's take a very close look at this.

    1. You want to get something done.
    2. You start mass tagging everyone on the forums.
    3. People you mass tagged get annoyed.
    4. Because you annoyed them, they do not feel like helping you.
    5. You failed to get it done.
    6. That seems stupid.

    So, do you see? Being annoying makes you stupid, in this case.

    If anything remains vague: you are free to tag me.
  14. Offline


    Please keep the thread ontopic, and don't argue about this stuff. Yes mass tagging can be a bad method, but used properly it can be a tool of mass destruction... no joking ;3. The only reason PatPeter mass-tagged because he wanted the people that had arena plugins to be on one thread and think about this, as using one library instead of a million times the same code is more efficient. I would say its a good idea to gather everyone and think about this. (As all the people he tagged are related on BukkitDev for the fact that they have a similar plugin)

    So please no more offtopic posts about mass tagging, and try to embrace the good part of this thread
    Neodork and skipperguy12 like this.
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    Hey, I didn't say it was stupid...and I didn't say it was unprofessional...I simply said I wasn't included, lol.

    I do like the idea, why the hate for some tags? Pat just wants people who have experience with this to help. Stop arguing about tags, spelling, and how to define stupid ._.
    Neodork likes this.
  16. Offline


    +1 for unprofessional
    +1 for that link. I think this guy did a good job :) (didn't have time to play around with it yet)

    -1 for being unprofessional
    -1 for tagging that many ppl
    +1 for tagging me
    -1 for blaming MobArena for teleporting a player and not checking if anyone cares about the inventory
    [the fix is not an easy one. PVP Arena tries to fix it and fails because you CAN NOT reset an offline player, a disconnecting player [without messing up either the arena OR the inventories] with ease. iirc the multi inventory plugin SHIFTS the inventories]

    well at least this is the right place to spam multiple ppl instead of nagging each author on every page. however, I think MobArena does a good job on mobs, and other plugins do their stuff in a good way. If you feel like adding Mobs to PVP Arena, it has a module system, totally free of whatever, you can hook into that many events that I don't have a close idea how many they are. I honestly don't have an idea what exactly you can do with the already mentioned framework, so I couldn't comment on that. Everything is possible ;)
  17. Offline


    And this one's so smart he doesn't realize that what already "exists" is obviously the threads topic, a Vault equivalent for minigames.

    And if you meant I should cite what I'm referring to, you should learn to read all the replies to your thread, because many people have already mentioned it.

    And I'm pretty sure I know the definition of "already" and "exists".
  18. Offline

    PatPeter adverb?

    Since you couldn't be arsed to use the forum's quote BBCode, I added them for you. The point isn't clear because you obviously didn't read my last post. Here, I'll make it simpler for you:

    Non sequitur. You can't prove that a single person I tagged is annoyed at my tagging them. To further my point:

    Once again, you can't prove that.

    Keyword: seems. Seems does not mean "is" or "equals". So once again, this...

    is another non sequitur. Not only can you not prove that I am annoying. You also cannot prove that annoying has any correlation to stupidity, and you yourself Rprrr are doubtful of that.

    Thank you very much fireblast for being a voice of reason. Sadly, I must.

    Another another thank you for you skipperguy for thinking sensibly.

    Honestly, I thought you'd be smarter than this slipcor. Since you directly targeted the word itself, it seems like I will have to further explain myself. The definition of "professional":

    So could anyone please tell me which profession has to do with tagging users on a forum? And where is the book of standards for this profession, so that I might know what else is "unprofessional" on a forum?

    You get -5.

    -1 for not knowing the definition of a word.
    -1 for using a word you didn't know the definition to.
    -1 for giving me a -1.
    -1 for giving someone a +1 for the same reasons as above.
    -1 because I actually had to explain this.


    ... so you're saying that people who lose their entire inventory shouldn't be mad about it?

    It isn't a bug pertaining to disconnecting while in the arena, it has to do with the arena being in a different world from that you joined in.

    I was thinking the same thing. Since I too have not looked into BattleArena, nor have any of the tagged plugin developers commented, I cannot elaborate either.

    Then why did you waste a post contributing absolutely nothing to this thread?

    And if you were actually paying attention, you would have noticed that I've quoted every single reply to this thread.

    Only one person had mentioned BattleArena before you, and if that was what you were referring to then your post was entirely a waste of time, space, and a worthless non-contribution to this thread.
    chasechocolate likes this.
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    You want to split hairs? The internet helps me out :) I am not a native speaker, so I tried finding out if we were wrong with what we think what "professional" can mean in this case.

    Quote from (totally the only correct way of getting information :p )

    I understand the word professional as one of the many words that can be understood in several ways. In your particular case I find it disturbing to see that you mass tagged a lot of people, regardless of the fact if this is the only or best way to do it.

    It looks like the way some other guys try to get attention from staff members or many members in general. And, in my opinion this is unprofessional, to get quick attention by that many people for something that could have been solved quicker in an IRC channel or in forum without tagging people. I am sure you would have gotten proper answers anyways.

    If there is a more suitable word for this, I apologize for not having it at hand now, I did not want to criticise your ability to do you business, I was sure that this word fits to the feeling I got when reading a hell lot of names on that post, and this word, "unprofessional" fits in my opinion, and, I am not a native speaker, so false friends and little mistakes are happening all the time ;)

    Edit: My dictionary tells me "to act professionally" would be the thing I'd have in mind, maybe that helps? ^^
  20. Offline


    Its so sad that this thread turned into so much waste of a thread...
  21. Offline


    Why did you make a thread contributing absolutely nothing to plugin development?

    An API that does this ALREADY EXISTS, and you only made the thread more useless when you started insulting people who pointed out that there is already an API for this or that it is incredibly annoying to mass tag and making irrelevant comments about their grammar. If you want the developers to use this API, then you should contact them instead of making a pointless thread.

    Actually, you didn't, you only quoted some of them. Besides, quoting them doesn't mean you actually listened to what they have to say, because you seem to have just totally ignored what they actually mean and instead just picked out any mistake the author of them made with their grammar or phrasing.

    I was pointing out that this thread is completely useless because this api ALREADY EXISTS. LET IT GO.

    I would like to stop having a flame war with you, so I reccomend that you either point out some ways in which this API would be different from other API's like it, or ask a moderator to delete this thread because it is without a point otherwise.
  22. Offline


    so much mad
  23. Offline


    Agreed, I got carried away XD
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