[Urgent] hackers!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by PassionPvP, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    Hey, no matter what you may think, anticheat and nocheatplus etc DO NOT work on my server.

    I went on my own server with a hacked client, i think it was 'nodus' and I could use any hack I wanted with all of these plugins installed. But i could fly around all i wanted.

    I also went on my friends server, [With his permission], and tried to fly and speed hack around, it would 'glitch me back to the same spot and I would like my server to do that.

    The worst hacks are flying and sprint hacking, could you tell me how to block these/ glitch people back to the same spot sorta thing?

    Thanks in advance, Lewis
  2. Did you de-op yourself?
    or removed the permissions you need to use these hacks?
  3. Offline


    Yes I did both these things, plus I often see people flying at like 1000 block per second alot of the time, so its not just me able to, and on my friends server Iwas also OP.
  4. Offline


    OPs bypass NoCheatPlus + AntiCheat.
  5. Offline


    If you hostest your own server on your pc and if you didn't connect over a proxy and if you didn't deoped you and if you have your ignoringname in anitcheat, than you can't hack. But if you have the terminal on your actuell pc, anticheat is gonna ignore you, if you are OP, Banned or everything else!
    If your config also is against OPs, anticheat is also going to look at Ops.
    The same with other permission like Admin in GroupManager etc.

    PS: If u want, i can test it for u, i can try with more than 10 hacks ;)
    And if you want, i can say other things were you have to pay attention with hackers that you don't know. I also host my own server, and i know what problems can happend..! More than only hack-clients...!
  6. Offline


    Did you use a * node in your permissions?
  7. Offline


    I really don't want to ask, but... online-mode=true
    jtjj222 and MysteryManX like this.
  8. Offline


    Yes, if you do that, you have all permissions, also if you de-op you...!

    For the newest hacks this doesn't matter, you can change proxy and name with premium...
    But you have only to wait two days more, than all hacks will have t be coded new, and this will need a time.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2016
  9. Offline


    In reply to all of you, my server is hosted online, on the same place as my friends. The offline mode is on, and me out of the question, people with no perms or OP can fly around all they like, and yes I was deop'd a made default rank.

    Thanks, Lewis
  10. Offline

    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    You cannot fake names or steal names with online-mode=true
  11. Offline


    I lead to this:

    You must have installed something wrong on your server. Whats your Craftbukkit and NC+ version? Permissions plugin?
    Are all plugins green in /pl also do you get any errors on the startup?
  12. Offline


    Yeah, Ive set flying to off anyways, but it doesn't seem to stop hacks flying, I update craftbukkit as soon as my server host gets the file. [Often quickly] I'm using GroupManager, And all my ./pl are green.

    Thanks in advance, Lewis
  13. We can spare any discussion until knowing at least the used plugins with versions also CraftBukkit. Otherwise good luck finding out about suprises :) ...
    drtshock likes this.
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