Update Message (Without spigot)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Supergrupgr, Aug 23, 2020.

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    So you know how when you join your server some plugins tell you that you need to update? Well they normally use spigot, I need to know if I can do that with bukkit instead, I don't upload my plugins to spigot and don't really want to, and I don't wanna buy a database so I can do it on my own, I already know how to check if the player is an operator, and how to get when they join, I just need to be able to get if there's a new version available on bukkit.
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    I dunno if it's still around, but bukget could be leveraged. Oh, nevermind, their page said it shut down. Well, worst comes to worst, you could scrape your plugin's Bukkit /files page and parse it. I never tried it in Java, but in C# I can load downloaded HTML into an HtmlDocument object and easily parse it. By parsing I mean like getting elements by tags, checking attributes/classes, etc not if (readingLine.toLowerCase().indexOf("<td") > -1) type of crap. That kind of String parsing of HTML blows, but I'm sure Java has some sort of DOM manipulator.

    But why not just use Spigot? They have a pretty good system already and you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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