update block physics?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Rogueleader89, Mar 20, 2011.

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    I'm finishing porting over my plugin from hmod (was waiting for official group support but thats taking too long) but getting snared up on the old hmod etc.getServer().updateBlockPhysics() call. Is there a bukkit equivalent? If not then is there some other way to force redstone wire in an area to check for changes around it? Basically I'm toggling a lever with code and need the toggle to register to turn the redstone on or off.
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    Edward Hand

    There are a few functions in the server source that might come in handy. I'd suggest the best to use would be this:
    CraftWorld cWorld = (CraftWorld)block.getWorld();
    (where 'block' is the lever) which will update the physics of all the blocks around the lever.

    Alternatively, you could use:
    CraftWorld cWorld = (CraftWorld)theWorld;
    which will simulate clicking on the switch. That does all the block updates and all the rest of it for you, so I'd recommend using that one if you can.
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    block.setData(block.getData() & 127, true);
    Didn' test, but it should enable a lever and apply physics.
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