Unload World

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jmonk, Mar 18, 2011.

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    I'm looking for a way to unload a world that was created using the createWorld. I'm trying to get a smooth instancing system for quests and its hard to allow any number of instances on any number of quests when I can't unload a world when I'm done with it.

    I've searched around the forums and found nothing so far. I've poked through a fair amount craftbukkit code and have yet to find anything. Thoughts? Ideas?
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    As far as I know there is no method for unloading a world in Bukkit/CraftBukkit
  3. Offline


    Although this thread is old, I saw it on google on what the method does and thought it may be helpful to other people, so here it is:
    In the move to 1.6, two unloadWorld methods were added.
    Server.unloadWorld(World world, boolean save);
    Server.unloadWorld(String world, boolean save);
    The boolean is whether to save the chunks before unloading.
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