UHC Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by iBenjaHD, Oct 10, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun & PvP

    Suggested name: McUhc

    What I want: I'd want a UHC plugin like badlion, where you have a host who get the commands: /uhc start, /uhc border <how many blocks out from 0,0> "If it's 1000, then it goes to 1000 on each side.". /uhc mute, /spectate, /uhc whitelistall. And the players get no commands. When you do /uhc start without setting the border with /uhc border <coords> it will give you an error saying &c&lYou have not set the border yet. And if you do it after setting the border it will count down from 3 minutes, and mention it in the chat like this: &b&l180 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l160 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l140 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l120 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l100 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l80 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l60 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l40 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l20 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l10 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l5 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l4 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l3 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l2 seconds until the game starts!, &b&l1 seconds until the game starts!, &b&lThe game has started!. And whilst the countdown is going on the people get spawned somewhere in the world inside the border. And the border shrinks after 60 minutes automaticly, if you're outside the border it tps you inside. It does not kill you. When they get spawned they can't move or break and they have regeneration so they can't lose hearts incase they move somehow. I can do /uhc give <player/*> <itemdb> <amount>, and the * means everyone online. And also when I do /uhc mute the chat gets muted and says: &b&lGlobal mute is now enabled!, when people try to chat it will say &b&lYou cannot chat!. And I want one permission for all those commands. The permission is: McUhc.*, if you do /spectate it pops up a menu (chest-menu) with player heads, when you hover over it it says their health and name. When you click the head you teleport to them. And /uhc whitelistall whitelists everybody so they can re-log during the UHC game. The uhc should also generate chunks by iteself, when you set the border. And +++ When you kill players at the exact coords where they died their head will spawn on a nether fence. And you can craft golden heads with 8 gold and their head, a golden head should heal 4 hearts, and a golden apple should heal 2 hearts, We should have options to enable stuff like nether and that in the config.

    Ideas for commands: /Uhc start, /uhc border <coords>, /uhc mute, /uhc spectate, /uhc whitelistall, /uhc give <player/*> <itemb> <amount>.

    Ideas for permissions: McUhc.* for every single command, no permission else.

    When I'd like it by: Asap.
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