Type mismatch: cannot convert from Collection<capture#1-of ? extends Player> to Player[]

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by __Skyter__, Jan 6, 2016.

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    Here crashes this error: Type mismatch: cannot convert from Collection<capture#1-of ? extends Player> to Player[]

        public void reapDeadPlayers() {
            Player[] arrplayer = this.getServer().getOnlinePlayers(); // ERROR
            for (int i = 0; i < arrplayer.length; ++i) {
                Player player = arrplayer[i];
                String string = player.getName();
                if (!this.getDeadPlayerList().isPlayerDead(string, true)) continue;
                String string2 = this.getDeadPlayerList().whenWillPlayerLive(string).toString();
                player.kickPlayer("\ufffdcUmarles. Powstaniesz \ufffd4" + string2);
                this._thisPlugin.log("The reaper has caught up with " + string + " and taken them away.");
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    Well, it seems you're trying to convert a Array to a Collection. The way you have will not work.

    Instead, for loop through all the players in the Collection, and add each one individually to the array.
    ChipDev likes this.
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    [] is a.. hmm.. I forgot what it is called, but it cannot be casted to something made externally, like a collection.
    This helped you 0%
  4. Offline


    Instead of
    Player[] arrplayer = this.getServer().getOnlinePlayers();
            for (int i = 0; i < arrplayer.length; ++i) {
                Player player = arrplayer[i];
    , use enhanced-for loop
    for (Player player : getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
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