[TUTORIAL] How-To: Set up a server for Windows

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Pig Master, Apr 6, 2014.

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    Pig Master

    Set up a server for Windows

    1. Install the latest build from Bukkit
    2. Drag it into a folder where you want all of the bukkit folders to go:
    3. In the folder open a Text Editor like Notepad and type this:

    java -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar -o true

    4. Save the file as run.bat (Not run.bat.txt or run.txt)
    5. Rename the CraftBukkit jar to just craftbukkit
    6. Double click run.bat and let it run
    7. Wait for all of the folders to be downloaded
    8. Open run.bat again and let the server run :)

    I hope this tutorial helped all of the people that are stuck trying to start a bukkit server on windows. :D
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