Tunneling Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by chernobyl360, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. Offline


    So back in HeyO's mod i used a plugin called SmpShape & Tunneling By Zan. But now hes not going to be working on it anymore. i was wondering if maybe some one could continue it? or maybe start over.....

    Tunneling plugin:
  2. Offline


    I think I need new pants.

    Is the old hey0 code anywhere you chould direct me to? If he has publicly stated he is no interest in porting it, I would gladly do so... but I need zee source.
  3. Offline


    Hmm yeah, like it.
    @feverdream: If you can't get hold of the source, I'll implement something similar from scratch :)
  4. Offline


    Yeah I'm tempted to do the same, I was thinking about this yesterday and that video was basically my entire daydream of walking around picking up blocks that were kind enough to mine themselves for me.
  5. Offline


    Ok, I leave it then to you :)
    If you need help or something drop me a PM
  6. Offline


    How does he generate the sounds, is that a client mod?
  7. Offline


    half of me wants this the half says its too powerful!!!! awsome though but too powerful.....very awsome....i want...but i shouldnt!
  8. Offline


    If somebody wants to take this up, I'm all for letting them have some fun too. I sort of what to have a version of this that also just adds the blocks mined to your inventory in nead stacks or as well.. but thats just cuz I'm lazy. :)
  9. Offline


    Jeez, if you've got that kind of free time, why aren't you playing MC? ;)
  10. Offline


    I'm too busy supporting MC to play it :(

  11. Offline


    know the feeling, this is my daily routine
    get up
    check for updates to craft bukkit
    check for updates to the plugins and look at new ones
    apply the changes to a dummy server on my machine
    stress test it for an hour (placing minecart track and seeing how long it takes to snap into position is a good lag test as is lots of lava everywhere)
    if above is ok then apply to our test server
    go to work
    at work hang around the forums(both our servers and here)
    get home
    check for updates to craft bukkit
    check for updates to the plugins and look at new ones
    apply the changes to a dummy server on my machine
    stress test it for an hour
    if above is ok then apply to our test server

    is there a minecraft system administrators anonymous any where near me?
  12. Offline


    Any update on this? Are you still developing this plugin, or is it holded / canceled?
  13. Offline


    Well I never actualy said I would do this; just that I was tempted and really liked the idea. If other people are interested, I see no reason that we cant all share the idea and see what plugins are created.
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    it seems that "Zan's SMP Shape Builder" is only a client mod according to the link provided.
  16. Offline


    "This was a proof-of-concept to show it was possible to do with just a client mod and no server modifications required, there are plenty of server mods which are much more secure offering nearly the same functionality."

    Doesn't mean it isn't possible
  17. Offline


    except that most of the discussion was based around updating his source so it's compatible with bukkit.
  18. Offline


    the tunneling program is within it. u need to install the smp shape builder and mini map then the tunnel plugin will turn on once in smp.....
  19. Offline


    yes, but Zan's mod is a client-sided mod, nothing to do with the multi-player server. You either need to find a different mod to convert or make one from scratch.
  20. Offline


    ok then were do i start lol. what are the basics to Java Coding?
  21. Offline


    Ah OK, it sounded like you were saying it wasn't possible.

    Your favorite search engine would do the trick.
  22. Offline


    Moving swiftly back on topic, does anyone know how we could port any form of tunnelling mod to a Bukkit server?
  23. Offline


    It's possible. I've got a list of requests to fill. I'll do it if I find time.
  24. Offline


    If his source is a client side mod, it will not help.. so yeah looks like a server plugin is needed from scratch.

    /me adds this to his list with chests that ban people who steal from them.
  25. Offline


    There was an hMod plugin called Roadwalker. Ask that Developer if he can port it over... or if theres source code and port it over for us.
  26. Offline


    I send the plugin author of RoadWalker an Email asking if her was going to port I Hope he responds soon. I loved Road Walker it beats breaking 6000 blocks for a 2000 block long tunnel

    I did not see the source posted on his forum anywhere.
    --- merged: Jan 25, 2011 11:09 PM ---
    I could always attempt a decompile of the code but I doth want to offend anyone I am NOT a java programmer but I can pull code with a Java De-compiler

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