[TP] mxRingplatform v1.2.2 - Travel in a stylish way [1000]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by mxE333xm, Jun 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    heh. I saw the first posts and thought 'hey this is like those ring platforms from stargate' and then I see your post...

    amen, ssechaud.
  2. Offline


    WOW. This is a great Idea for a Plugin for Stargate Fans.
    Ive allready checked it out and think it is very cool.

    But i would have some Surgesstions for this Plugin to make it really awesome if you dont mind.

    Ive made some Screenshots of a in Sand hidden Type 2 Ringplatform like in the Episode were SG1 meets the Toc-ra (built the Animation step by step so you see what i mean.) Since i cant Upload more then 10 Images, and cant attach a RAR or ZIP i will have to split them over 3 posts so everybody can see what i mean. Will continue my writing in Post 3 then.

    Part 2

    So here we come Part 3.

    As you can see, the Animation ist split up. First is the Ringplatform becomes visible, then the Rings (Steps) pop out one by one, then ironblock move downwards and at this point the Transport should be done, not at the end of the Animation. Then of course the rings go away again.

    Click Centerblock -> Rings In Animation -> Light Animation (Ironblocks) -> Teleport -> Rings out Animation (basicly a backwards IN Animation)

    Allso this would skip the need to define and build the Platform with certain blocks to make it work. I think using a Wand (maybe stick) or something to mark a centerblock for the Ringtransporter an ignoring the surroundings would allow besiclly for any Design of the Platform, even hidden in Sand/Grass/Dirt like in my example.

    Also, it just not just port you up, but rather port you to another "Linked" Platform, that does the same Animations at the same time as the Platform being Activated, so even the Port-Target would look very nice by linking the Platforms (other Plugins did Linking allready) together.

    How do you like that surrgestion?

    Just had another thought.

    How about this procedure to build a Platform:
    1) Enter Command -> /Platform create (Msg comes -> Punch Block for Center of Platform #1)
    2) Punch a Block for Center of the First Platform (Msg comes -> Punch Block for Center of Platform #2)
    3) Punch a Block for Center of the Second Platform (Msg comes -> Coordinates Linked! Platforms Ready!)

    This way there would be no fiddeling around with Transport hights, Different Centerblocks for different Locations etc, and a Platform could look just plain Sand or anything the "Builder" would like it to without having to define anything in a Config.

    Off course this would need commands to remove Platforms too and maybe more Permissions to allow certain groups to Build or not build Platforms.

    BTW. This would work in closed Rooms with only 4 Block height, since the "Animation" i surrgest doesnt go any higher. That would make it more flexible too were you can use such a platform.

    I Hope im not asking to much here, was just an idea that i had when i saw this plugin in action.

    Okay ive just tried to make an Animation myself and i have a problem. For some Reason, which i dont know, it snaps Steps to Doublesteps. Dont know why this is. could you check that out aswell?


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
    DoomCreator, LaGaH0 and mxE333xm like this.
  3. Offline


    Sorry guys for the circumstances, I just uploaded the wrong file -.-

    Edit: The downloadlink repaired since 11:64 am Utc + 1 ;)

    So, we got a new Version: v1.13
    - Fixed Permissions Support
    - Smaller Bugfixes

    Now it should work.

    Ok, i can reproduce that. Will be fixed in next version :)
    You'll get your animations^^

    Well, that sounds like work. I got the idea with the Linked Platforms too, so that is certain to be implemented. If I look at the other stuff, I'll tink about a hybrid solution between them and the current system I think ;)

    That would be great :) My image editing skills aren't the best, and yours look 20times better :)
  4. Offline


    BTW, what do you think abount the Animation i surrgested with the Screenshots?
    Personally i think it cant get much closer to Stargate with the blocks that are currently in Minecraft (Halfblocks).
    Unless of course you manage to make new Halfblock, like of Obsidian, Gold, Iron etc. ;-)

    Want to share your thoughts about that Hybrid Solution? Maybe it gives us more Ideas that would be helpful.

    And a small Bugfix here. The porting ports to .0 coordinates... in Minecraft every Blocks Center ist 0.5... might consider this for an update
  5. Offline


    Oh, you're right. Thanks, will be fixed in the next version.

    So, my thoughts:
    You can define different shapes with different animations like now. Apart from that, you build the shapes ingame, then type a command to define it like /rp create Name. It will determine the animation from the shape. Then you can link the platforms with /rp link Name1 Name2, set a delay for teleport if you want to, and maybe a price with iConomy. I think that could get good.
  6. Offline


    Sounds good for procuring interest in the plugin, I like the idea of linking them together. Although I prefer just them linking automatically to the platforms directly vertical or below them. If you let one platform link to any platform it wouldnt really be true to the Ringplatforms Stargate any more and it would be more like a transporter pad from star trek.(especially with a delay) Pricing with economy would be really cool. For people utilizing RP in shops and buisness centers they could charge for use of the platforms and other public places they can be free.
  7. Offline


    hi i need help the plugin lets crash the server

    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] java.lang.NullPointerException
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1501)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:1466)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.f(Chunk.java:149)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.c(Chunk.java:138)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.a(Chunk.java:305)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.World.setRawTypeId(World.java:251)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.World.setTypeId(World.java:316)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlock.setTypeId(CraftBlock.java:127)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlock.setType(CraftBlock.java:117)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at de.yahoo.chrimarti7.mxRingplatform.mxRPR.ClearOldChanges(mxRPR.java:179)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at de.yahoo.chrimarti7.mxRingplatform.mxRPR.run(mxRPR.java:102)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftWorker.run(CraftWorker.java:34)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:636)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] java.lang.NullPointerException
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1453)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:393)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:311)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    20:56:59 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Unexpected exception
    at net.minecraft.server.World.doLighting(World.java:1453)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:393)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:311)
    at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:422)
    cant you help me
  8. Offline


    Normally this bug must be away, if this error appears, you reload and then try it again. I'm still working to solve that, but this workaround normally works.
  9. Offline


    server is complet crasht i have to kill the prosses end start the server complet new
  10. Offline


    Oh, thats not good. I'm trying to get that bug out in the next version.
  11. Offline


    Im still on version 1.0, had to goto class before upgrading it to 1.13

    Hey an admin tells me you came to Mineland looking for me?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  12. Offline


    Yes, I just wanted to see if all works correctly, and see it in action on another server then my testserver :D

    And as I saw some pieces of the platform hanging in the air, and some shapes on the bottom I wondered whether all is working ;)
  13. Offline


    Well that sure is true, but...
    AFAIK the Ringplatforms from Stargate have a Search Pattern zu find there Target Platform, meaning that if another Platform (like that of a Ship) moves into that Pattern it can overrule another Platform and become the Target. There was an Episode of SG-1 were SG-1 actually did this and thus intercepted a Ringplatform Transfer between 2 Ships that were next to each other. This means the Target doesnt have to be above or below, they will transport you sideways too if the Target is close enough.
    Counting in that something like that will never happen in Minecraft, because everything is static, this "intercepting" would only happen as a grief. Do you really want to encourage your players to grief other players Ringtransporters just so the simulate the function of the Stargate Ringplatforms? Dont think so.
    That why i think the Linking of 2 Pads is the best way.

    I think mxE333xm is on a good way here. Mearly a few bugs and some functions are missing, but then again, the Plugin is only a few days old. I like the work he has done so far very much. That you for that!

    Got a surgesstion tho again. Try to make 2 Animation sequences. Sequence 2 beeing a reversed Sequence 1 and pack the Teleport between them with a small delay. That way the Transport will be done when the Rings are "Up", not when they are down again. Then all you have to do ist the Linking, and let the Animation run at both Transmit-Pad and Reciever-Pad at the same time.

    BTW, still nobody told me how they like the Animation from my Screenshots. ;-)
  14. Offline


    Still does not work with my permissions 3.0x.
  15. Offline


    Never ever ever have the ring platforms transported sideways, in that episode the only way they intercepted that ring transport was because the moved the alkesh directly above/below the originating ringplatform. This they do have to be above and below.... The ring platforms are not slinkys, in the show they need to be controlled by the connecting electromagnetic feilds generated by a directly verticle/below platform and the originating platform. Its not an energy beam that carries you from platform to platform, a pair of rings are stored in each platform and they are expelled and carried to the above or below platform.

    Erm what do you
    mean? Because the way the rings should work is its locked onto a vertically above or below Ring platform, the only intercepting that can be possibly done is if you build another platform above or below the originating gate.

    They do look like the rings from stargate ... wouldnt mind that as the default animation to give it a truly stargate feel! :D

    lol im at a total loss as to what im supposed to do with these.....the reason i liked the old ring platforms was because they were so simple. you didnt need to edit any files it was basically just plug and play. :( i mean i like everything your doing with mxringplatform but i just wish it was more like the original RingPlatform plugin was.

    EDIT: i figured out the files thing :D .... but server crashed after using. Hoping downward transportation comes in the next version :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  16. Offline


    I think you are mistaken about that vertical thing here. Remember the Episode in Season 7 were they intoduced Vala? The Prometheus was right behind Vala's Alkesh, not below or above. The rings worked because there was no other set of rings anywere. Yes usually the Rings search for a target below or above, but as it was i think more then once explained in the series, if there are none, then the Rings search for another Target. So a Sideways Transport in the Series is a real thing.
    On a second thought, they didnt use an alkesh for that intercept, Alkesh is the Bombership i think. They had a transport ship. Just cant remember the name atm.

    Non theless, i think that coding real Stargate PLatform behavior for this would be 1) very hard to do and 2) unneceserry for the uses in Minecraft. There simply are no moving Ringplatforms, so the Linking of 2 would be the best option.

    Yes i know, that makes it just like other Plugins like BlueTelepads or something like that, but then again, they dont have any rings and animations ;-)

    It would of course also be nice if the rings would transport everybody and anything inside them when the teleport seqence starts, but i also think that it is more important to get them runing straight and easy in the first place. Thats what my surrgestions are all about, making it simple. It took me about 60 minutes to understand how that animationthing worked in the Config, another 10 minutes to make my own Animation and 1 minute to find out that halfblock (steps) dont work right. ;-)

    I would volunteer to help making the Animation Sequences, because i have no clue of the rest of the Java coding, but using the given concept i can make Animations!
  17. Offline


    You do have some valid pointsand some not so valid

    1) Prometheus had a set of rings

    2) its not that hard to mimic the real ringplatform behavior and it has been done before. Also if it doesnt mim

    3) Mimicking the real ring platforms has EVERY purpose for the way of minecraft. As it is right now with mxRingplatforms you have to set your own height. and that height is for every single platform made. N

    4) The old ring platform plugin for hmod transported groups and blocks within the platform

    5) I couldnt agree more about the learning curve and simplicity aspect needed.

    Now here are some of my points.

    1)People dont like transport plugins that need alot of configuration in files/ using big wordy commands in game. In the original ringplatform plugin it was just drag the plugin in , add the plugin name to the hmod settings file, reload your server and boom instant working. So simple and easy.

    2) Making the plugin connect two directly vertical platforms AUTOMATICALLY or MANUALLY would server greatly. This would determine the height. Not a set height from the file that every platform NEEDS to be that height away from each other.

    As for you not thinking mimicking the shows platforms... its been done before and while I am really really REEEEEALLY greatful for mxE taking up this project for me. The original plugin was vital for my STARGATE BASED SERVERS. I really wish he would make his remake of the plugin a little more true to the original. If you make the platforms go sideways, they are not Ringplatforms from stargate anymore, they would be Star Trek transporter pads.


    Circular rings about half the size of the Stargate, which function on the same principles.
    Transport rings, when in position, transmit all matter within their circular formation to another pair of rings at a different location, utilizing a conduit of bright energy. If there is a person or object on the receiving end, the rings can exchange the two simultaneously.
    It is possible to intercept this energy field by moving a mobile set of transport rings (on board a ship) into the correct position along the matter stream. Ships equipped with rings are capable of detecting the location of receiving rings on a planet's surface, or on board another ship.
    Rings are activated by a transport rings remote, or by a stationary control panel built into a ship or facility. Rings generally require a sending and receiving ring platform to operate, though a ship's rings can be used to send and retrieve matter located immediately below it, within the range of the physical ring mechanism. The platforms have been placed by the Goa'uld on most ships, as well as in structures and buried on the surfaces of planets.
  18. Offline


    Ive seen the Video before and i think you are completly missunderstanding me. What i surrgested will result in exactly what you want it to but. But development is a step by step process. Most Programs have so many Bugs because the were not made step by step, rather trowing stuff together and then go for an eternal bughunt. So first things first. and nut jumping the gun to get "transporting of groups" and "transporting of even blocks" into this to early. I trust on mx here to find the best path for the development process.

    On more thing tho. Were in your pastet text from that Stargate Resource does it say that Ringplatforms can only go vertical up and down? It doesnt.
    Then again. The Rings work just like a StarTrek Transporter, with the only exception of that there must be a recieving set of Rings. The rest of the technology is basiclly the same... a matterstream.
    Its like a Stargate, just without sending the matterstream trou a Wormhole, thus making it a short-range version of a Stargate. Having that said. this Plugin should be made with a Range limit and definitely In-World only, with means, no world-to-world transport. (okay that has been done too in the Series on Sokars "Prison" Planet.)
  19. Offline


    Not sure if it is a good plugin as you have not added a howto or explained how to set it up. shape? type of block? how many? I seen someone say 13 gold and 8 iron....what pattern?

    never mind, watched provided vid and ring platform hmod vid a few times until I figured it out.
  20. Offline


    Look im not trying to fight with you. I understand that plugins are step by step ...ive been running Minecraft servers for 2 years. Im not a newbie. But where im coming from is that the original hMod plugin could make the development of it faster. It would take far less work for Mxe to just make the platforms automatically teleport both directions on a directly vertical above/below platform.

    Simplicity and Convieniencey are things that are needed. I for one dont want to have to type /rp tp (name of platform) everytime i want to get to a ringplatform....every single person i asked in my STARGATE THEMED SERVERS just want to be able to place 1 platform in one spot above or below another platform, right click the center block and bam your there.

    There doesnt have to be multiple player tping or material carrying at first. I remember when the original plugins development, the multiple people and goods carrying came about version 3.34 but the auto vertical rings , commandless functionality, and other things were in versions 1.x and 2.x
  21. Offline


    So, as I cannot quote all the post of the last page here, I try to get the essentials of your discussion:

    - Downwards Transport: Is already possible by negating the sign before tppos
    - Multiplayer carriing: Already there :D Everybody staying on the platform at the moment of right-click will be teleported ;) You just cannot see it on the video as I handn't that much test persons ;)
    - Newest permissions: For me it is working. But I cannot help you without some kinda description of the error + possible console output + ..

    -And now the biggest point: The Stargate Realism
    My target is to make the plugin so that we're going to have travel while theiking is able to make his stargates with the same plugin. And I don't think that is impossible, as with the travel approach you're still free to link 2 platforms in upwards direction (whether I build in a shortcut or not is another question).

    - The Documentation:
    I'm currently working on a big feature/bugfix release, so forgive me the documentation ;) It will be rewritten today/tomorrow.

    - @theikings Server crashed:
    Console Errors? Some other stuff that may help me finding the bug?

    - Pending Animations
    After the update ;)

    I hope I dindn't forgot something.
  22. Offline


    1) Doesnt work for me... :( mabey its just the way my files are configured in the folder,....what are the names of the files that should be in, sample.txt , config.txt , any that im missing?

    2) Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3) Dont know i was at class at the time it crashed. I was just going on player reports. Ive told players to stay out of mineland 2.0 for now as im using it as the test server.

    4) You forgot my question as to if you wanted me to design a logo for the plugin. I wanna do something to pay you back for your continued work until I can donate to you.
  23. Offline


    I already answered you in a earlier post :)
    Well, I can't say you if that is a bug or you messed up the config without having a console error ;)
    config.txt should be deleted. Sample.txt too, and then add the star_1.txt and star_2.txt I gave you, and all should work ;)
  24. Offline


    Is there a way I cant contact you better? If you have a skype add me please :) adamwcaple1993
  25. Offline


    I still think theiking missunderstood me and you mx totaly with that "commands" thing. This would be only requiered when first "building" the Platforms, not for using them. To use them would still be a right-click on the Centerblock. But in order to have multiple Platforms with different hights/transport directions (up/sown) there is simply no other way then to use a command when building them so the Plugin knows what the platform is surpossed to do.

    Sure, it could be done that you just build to platforms exactly above each other, and the plugin then links them together automatic... but what happens if a 3rd platform gets built right above? Yes Error potential. Aspite from that it would limit it to only vertical transports. Minecraft SMP has only 128 Block in height, the bottem one counted away because its bedrock makes 127. It would be ashame not to alow a Transport plugin to transport in all directions limiting it to just over 100 blocks after putting this much work into it with all the animations etc.

    This means you can still build them verticaly if you want, nobody said you cannot do that.
    Same as nobody said you have to use commands to use the platforms.
    Spoken from Stargate realism, there ist still no reason why it should work only in vertical.
  26. Offline


    Of course.

    Exactly. That's because I'm going to implement a linking. You'll be able to link a port to another. (Linking more than one port to a port is ok, linking one port to more not).
    True words ;)
  27. Offline


    Well there is a way to link them without needing commands but that way DOES REQUIRE IT TO BE VERTICAL. And it would be a few more days required to code that. Commands are easier to develope but not the ONLY option.

    Also cybergod there is no need to get condescending and speak as if im not reading this chat. I find that offensive actually but Im not going to get into that. Im just saying I requested this plugin be made and I have had the most minecraft experience out of anyone I know ( Im an indev vet) I also have had more experience with the original ringplatform plugin and know serveral hidden features in it that not many people knew about. Im not saying im against horizontal rings , that was actually a feature we had requested back in the days of the hMod plugin. But instead i think the platforms should have a limited range as to what Ring platforms they connect to. You could add something to extend the radius of the accepted feild, like an antenna or something. But to have the plugin connect to any platform at any part of the map cheapens it.
  28. Offline


    There we go again... I didnt say you are not reading the Chat, but then again i feels like it. Nobody said that a platform would link (connect) to any other platform on any other part of the map. In fact it was said that a Platform would be Hard-Linked with another platform, not any other Platform. It could only connect to its linked Platform, not to another... -_-

    Then again. were is the Problem in giving you the posibility to build the dam things vertical, but leaving other poeple the flexibility to build them horizontal? You might not be the only one who would like to use something like this plugin. As a fact, i think limiting them to vertical like you want so you dont have to type any commands would limit this plugin to your Server only. Since there are more flexible Teleport plugins allready out there, Animation or not.
    And that is the point here that you seem to not want to understand.
  29. Offline


    You truly do not read the freaking posts I make do you.... I said I have no freaking problem with them horizontal!

    Mx3 and I have been talking and discussing things outside of this public post.

    I was directing the information to him about things you dont know. I was pointing out something about bugs that have been known to happen in the original and some of the same that have popped up in his remake. As well as new bugs regarding an issue with snow and the platforms.
  30. Offline



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