Solved Towny: Looping through every town

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by InsertNameHere, Jun 26, 2019.

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    I am new to the Towny API and am completely confused as to how I would call a method. For example, how would I get the list of all the towns in a world and get the Mayor and Resident?

    According to this link:, it seems that the method getTowns() returns an ArrayList of Towns, but how do I call it?

    for (Town town: SOMETHING.getTowns()) {
        // rest of the code goes here
    Any help?
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    What do you mean how do you call it? The code you provided calls it.

    If you're wondering what you call it ON, getTowns is called on a TownyWorld object.

    Your loop iterates every town in the TownyWorld. Then you can call any of the methods from the link you provided on town inside the loop.

    So for example
    gets you the Mayor (which inherits from Resident).

    All the methods and explanations can be found in your link.
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    @Kars But whenever I type the code
    for (Town town: TownyWorld.getTowns()) {
       // so on
    It says non-static methods cannot be referenced from a static context.

    EDIT: I did
    for (Town town: TownyUniverse.getDataSource().getTowns()) {
        // So on
    And it seems to work...
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  4. Offline


    @InsertNameHere The method is not static so you require an instance of the class to call the method. Just thought i would explain the warning you had.
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