Towny Huts - schematics used in towny plots

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by moth muse, Nov 2, 2018.

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    moth muse

    ok so, idk how to write code which is why i'm here, but i know enough to explain what i'm looking for..

    Plugin category: Towny Add-ons

    Minecraft version: 1.13.1 or 1.13.2

    Suggested name: Towny Huts [or something better..]

    What I want: I'd like a towny add-on that allows you to, once you set the plot type "farm" or "lumberhut" or something... to spawn a schematic of the example plot. so a farm would spawn an empty field with a small wooden hut [i can make schematics no issues with builders and all that, i'm just looking for the code for this].. and then two chests in every plot. one is input one is output. you put seeds in the input, after a time, you get output the crops... in lumber hut, the schematic could be a nice looking hut with two chests.. the input would need axes.. and output would fill up with wood after a time. this would cost money to upkeep out of the town's bank. upgrading would spawn the second level schematic and output rate would be faster. this is basically converting money to supplies over time "as if someone was living there" and spawning a schematic into the plot to make it look like a real town. THOUGH. plots that don't do anything would be cool too. like Roads. a player could design a "road plot" and save it as a schematic.. then any plots set as "road" would have the road schematic spawned in... could be "Cross Road" and "NS Road" and "EW Road" for different road shapes/directions.. or even just "road" and have it be rotatable.. which would also help players place other plots as well. "House" plots can spawn a house when a player buys it and sets it as that.. then they can level it up by spending in-game money or XP.. OR... there can be Warehouse where you put supplies in to be able to fund public works.. like you need this amount of wood to spawn this schematic here.. a Town Hall would be able to allow players to come and ask to join the town.. a library wouldn't perform actions like the farm... but it'd have an enchanting table and all that.. but the players would need to "fund it" by money or supplies..

    basically i'm looking for a towny add-on that will allow residents and mayors to summon building schematics into plots to create nice looking towns from funding from items or economy.

    Ideas for commands: /townyhuts /th
    /th plot info - will tell you what type of plot it is and what it does
    /th plot set [type] - will set the type the plot will be... and will spawn a chest in the middle of the plot as a donation chest a player can donate items or currency to that until it's funded... then the schematic will instantly spawn.
    /th chest input - set the input chest for plots that need it.
    /th chest output - set the output chest for plots that need it.

    Ideas for permissions: townyhuts.cityplanner - allows the creation of plots.
    townyhuts.nocost - will bypass all costs for players with this perm. plots will just instantly spawn their schematics without needing donations.
    townyhuts.player - pretty much everything the player needs in terms of upgrading their own house, setting plots they own to be what ever type of plots they wish for on their own property.. etc.
    townyhuts.mayor - can cancel, reset, add, upgrade, or delete anything in their own town.
    townyhuts.admin - can do anything in any town.

    When I'd like it by:
    I think this is a big project, so i know it will take a long time. Thats fine by me.. i just want to work on it and have fun!
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    moth muse

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