Torches produce light while held in hand

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Draycos, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    I would like to request a plugin that couses torches produce light when held in your hand, possibly a little more then when placed on the ground. I think this would be great for exploring as you would not need to place as many torches, just enough to mark your path.

    Another great feature would be the ability to attack with a sword while holding a torch (in off hand). Maybee combine a torch and sword so sword will give off light? Another possibility is for the light stay when switching from a torch to a sword. (the sword would stop producing light on it's own after switching off of it) Same idead could apply to tools. I, however, like the separate torch idea better.

    At minimum I would like hand held torches to produce light.

    I am not sure how difficult this would be... and I have no experience in java.
    Any other ideas are welcome.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. Offline


    The bukkit interface does support manually setting light levels of blocks, but if you wanted, I could right a plugin that places a torch at the players feet as long as you're holding a torch.
  3. Offline


    would the torch move with the player? If so that would achieve the same effect and would be appreciated.

    Just as a question: Is there a way to make a hand held object to produce light? This would make for a better visual look.
  4. Offline


    Yes but it is a minecraft client mod . I believe it is called dynamic lighting .
  5. Offline


    Appreciated but I can not figure out how to install... and I'd rather have a plugin so it works for everyone on my server.
    I have found one or to other programs like what you suggested but none quite fit my purpose....
    I want torches to always produce light using a plugin so it affects my whole server.
  6. Offline


    Yeah, the torch would move with you.
    Draycos likes this.
  7. Offline


    Sorry that should have been clear to me...
    If you could make that it would be greatly appreciated if it isn't to much work.
  8. Offline


  9. Offline


    Very glitchy and links to CraftBukkit directly. But blocks emit light directly. If everyone is satisfied with that plugin then it'll safe me the time of making a replacement.
  10. Offline


    Dispite some bugs this does do pretty much what i was looking for...
    Thanks for the intrest and offer of creating a plugin for me nickrak, but this is what i was looking for so don't waste your time.
    Thank you for directing me to this plugin BioRage!

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