[Tool/Admin] MicroCraft GUI - Server Hosting/Installing Made VERY Easy

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Target4Games, Apr 19, 2012.

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  1. Offline


    My computer crash when I try to start server... I have 4GB of RAM but when the console says done, some Plugins download something upgrade of it but istantanely the server says "overloaded" and my computer crash.... Can someone help me to fix this bug/problem?

    And i think: the last version of micro craft is not very stationary for the share at the users.... Please, Change Now this version because is not good. I have lost my server files because of the instability of it!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2016
  2. Offline


    [quote uid=90707758 name="Gabrielel" post=1254948]And i think: the last version of micro craft is not very stationary for the share at the users.... Please, Change Now this version because is not good. I have lost my server files because of the instability of it![/quote]

    We are really sorry, this update was a big failer for all the people that downloaded the nieuwst version copy your files over to this version <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2016
    Gabrielel likes this.
  3. Offline


    I've hosted a server using microcraft, and i joined it and i can even play in it, but my friend isn't able to join, we both use tunngle and when he tries to connect using 'direct connect' in minecraft by typing my tunngle IP address, he gets the error "OUTDATED CLIENT" , and i get a message on microcraft saying "disconnecting chtnydv" (chtnydv is my friends username)
  4. Offline


    This means that your friend his Minecraft version is outdated ;), he can fix this by updating Minecraft.
  5. Offline


    Will you be planning on adding a automatic backup option?
  6. Offline


    We are working on version 2.0 right now, which is a complete rebuild (meaning: starting from scratch). And that awesome idea will be added!
    Jamypatch44 likes this.
  7. Offline


    Wow this will be the best server manager ever <3
  8. Offline


    Thank you :D!
    Jamypatch44 likes this.
  9. Offline


    I also have another idea for version 2 add a texture pack button in this section so then you put the URL in the pop up box when it appears just an idea :) http://plumcap.com/images/e42322.png
  10. Offline


    Thanks, we will definitely add this feature to the application as well. We have been looking into the changes that 1.3.1 brings and that's also one of the main reasons why we are working on version 2.0.
  11. Offline


    Yes hello Im having a bit of a issue with making my server with your tool which i must say thank you.
    Here's what I got.. when I put in my server ip.

    195 recipes
    27 achievements
    2012-09-09 13:54:56 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.3.1

    2012-09-09 13:54:56 [INFO] Loading properties
    2012-09-09 13:54:56 [INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
    2012-09-09 13:54:56 [INFO] Generating keypair
    2012-09-09 13:54:57 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on :25565
    2012-09-09 13:54:57 [WARNING] **** FAILED TO BIND TO PORT!
    2012-09-09 13:54:57 [WARNING] The exception was: java.net.BindException: Cannot assign requested address: JVM_Bind
    2012-09-09 13:54:57 [WARNING] Perhaps a server is already running on that port?

    Yeah I have no idea what to do if you can help me that would be awesome thanks!
  12. Offline


    Your using your external ip to start the server, remove the server-ip, it auto binds.
  13. Offline


    I'm looking forward to the update. When it is updated?
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