
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by aronuserparty98, Mar 26, 2013.

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    Plugin category: FUN

    Suggested name: TomaHawk

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that allows you to throw axes. I don't want every axe to be throwable, just the stone one but with chance of adding the others. Perhaps the other axes cause more damage on impact. I would like to be able to set how much damage the axe would cause at every hit, and also (just an idea) a custom crafting recipe that will give you five stacked stone axes. I know it isn't possible to actually throw the axe, even though it would be really awesome. To change this, is it possible to, when you've thrown away the tomahawk, to use the arrow animation? You would still lose the axe, of course, and an arrow would be fired without the whole bow-thing.
    If there are already plugins out there that does this, please link them. If not, tell me if you can do it!

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions:
    - tomahawk.use.*
    - tomahawk.use.stone
    - tomahawk.use.iron
    - tomahawk.use.diamond

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.


    PS. If this plugin isn't already out there, I would like to keep it for myself so that my server has something that no-one else has. ;) It's totally the (eventual) developer's choice, I'm just saying what I would prefer.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    It is an fun idea, that for sure. I don't have time to make it, but @FireBreath14 may have the time for it.
  3. Offline


    I could do, but i thought not every item can be maked throwable with a bukkit plugin. All what i can do for you, is to shoot an arrow with more damage and remove the axe out of your inventory.

  4. Offline


    If you want 'private' plugins, you are going to have to hire a developer or learn Java and Bukkit yourself.
  5. Offline


    final Item grenade = world.dropItem(p.getEyeLocation(), new ItemStack(Material.STONE_AXE));
    MexMaster likes this.
  6. Offline


    Oh really thanks, thats what i was searching for ;)

    //Edit: And when i can make that, it will be private and only for you ;)
  7. Offline


    Shot down.
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    Just because one person makes free private plugins doesn't mean it is common. But i am sorry for the post.

    Edit: Some people*
  10. Offline


    Ya i know, i just found it ironic right when you said that. The man/women who made the private plugins for him is 1/1000. Props to him.
    Faith likes this.
  11. Offline


    Bad news for development :(

    I need to use this in a static method, but i can't. Does anybody know an other way to define a class?
  12. Define a CLASS? public/private class (name) {
    public void iloveyou(String name) {
    //Some example I think. xD


    MexMaster Make this public. -.-

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2016
  13. Offline


    What are you trying to do? Easy way would be just to extend a class with another class.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I read wrong. Pm me if you need help.
  14. Offline


    I have no problem making the plugin public, and I really agree with the 1/1000 chance to find someone willing to make a private plugin for free (woo-hoo to you, MexMaster). It's up to the person making the plugin, of course, if the person in question wants to share his/her creation with the world (of Bukkit). I said that I would prefer to keep it private, just so I can make my server more attractive to people because of a custom plugin.
    "It's just business" - From one of my favourite movies, The Godfather.

    Thanks again to everyone for opening up my mind to custom/private plugins and such, and also to MexMaster, for trying to develop this plugin!
  15. Offline


    ok now i'm thinking what to do, but i thought i will give this plugin out to everyone (if i finish it ;)) but for @aronuserparty98i will implement some extra features, like more throwable weapons ;)
  16. Offline


    That seems like a very reasonable compromise. If people think it's a good idea, I have no trouble sharing it. I love that you will add extra weapons for me, that makes the plugin somewhat custom.
  17. Offline


    Ok for now, a devlopment status:


    lets say 60% now ;)

    PS: problem is solved.
  18. Offline


    Awesome! Thank you so much for making this come true, I've been looking for this plugin for quite a while now.

  19. Offline


    ok i've got enough -.- .... there are only 2 or 3 threads helping me, 1 is outdated and the others aren't working...

    if you are willing to me i will completely recode and do it with shooting an arrow deleting te item in inv and you can set the damage per command, config etc. and what ever you want. ok? but i can't do it with the item drop.


    So here is a little list what i will add only for aronuserparty98 ;)

    - Configurable damage [in the config]
    - All the axes can be thrown, from wood to diamond [pn me if you wan't more items]

    If you would like to have more 'special' features, pn me i will add whatever you say when i can do that.


    finished so far, all what's not working are the crafting recipies but i will fix tomorrow morning and will upload tomorrow morning too. ;)
  20. Offline


    btw: Sorry for double posting, but a new post for the release is better ;)

    And look what i've found :


    Plugin finished now :D (*happy*)

    Here is a little instruction into this plugin:

    - /tomahawk | activates the tomahawk features.
    - /threload | reloads the config.yml

    - tomahawk.allow || OP | allows access to the - /tomahawk command.
    - tomahawk.reload || OP | allows access to the - /threload command.

    Little note:

    After you have typed in the /tomahawk command you will be able to throw (all axes | for aronuserparty98) the stone axe, that will cost the other player 2,5 heart.

    The rest is selfexplained (I don't know why he used an other font for that...)


    Version 1.1.2

    Pls give feedback ;)

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