TNT Block Damage Control

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Valgor, Nov 12, 2013.

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    I am currently looking for a plugin that simply allows me to set which blocks are not affected by TNT explosions.

    I have tried many plugins, and searched for anything that can help, but I have yet to find a plugin that is active and does what I need it to.

    The easiest way I can think of this plugin accomplishing this, is to have a config file of block ID's that are blocks that cannot be blown up by TNT.

    If anyone knows of a plugin that does this that is active, please let me know. Otherwise I would like to see it become a plugin.



    As an example, Blokker is a plugin that looks like it would do what I am talking about (and then some), but it is inactive :(

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