Timed Regions - Cool plugin/idea!

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by deploycraft, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: Dont know

    Suggested name: TimedRegions

    What I want:
    Im looking for a plugin that will give users permission to go to a region for a set amount of time and once that time is up it moves them out of the region back to /spawn.

    The reason I am requesting this is because I have a mob grinder for donators but I want normal users to see the perks of the mob grinder. So for each vote I wanted to give them access to the donator grinder for a certain amount of time.

    They would get coupons and can exchange them whenever. Once exchanged they will be teleported to the set region and then taken out once the time is over.

    Ideas for commands: /cc | /claimcoupon (Claims voting coupon)

    Ideas for permissions: cc.exchange

    When I'd like it by: Whenever you can.

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