Time & Math [HH:MM:SS]

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by BungeeTheCookie, Jul 5, 2014.

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    Hey Bukkiteers! I am trying to parse a long into a time string. For example, if the long is 7200, I am trying to make it return 2:00:00. Or if I have 6001, I want it to return 1:40:01. Since the long is in seconds, I am making the hour 3600 [how many seconds that are in an hour] to divide the time long.

    private String parseTime(long time){
    Integer hour = (int)Math.floor(time 3600);
    Integer minute = ((int)Math.floor(time 60)) - (hour 60);
    How do I find the seconds, and is my time code accurate?

    Nevermind, I found a class that did that for me.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  2. Code:java
    1. Date date = new Date();
    3. int hours = date.HOUR;
    4. int minutes = date.MINUTES;
    5. int seconds = date.SECONDS;
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    Alright, I will take a peek at yours, I ddin't solve mine :p

    Nevermind, I unsolved it..
    How does it tell to exclude the years and months and days?

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
  4. write date. and then press Ctrl + Spacebar to see all the things you can do with it
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    That takes seconds. So, if you are working with something like ticks, just pass through your long * 20. If you are working with system time in milliseconds, obviously do long * 1000. Those are the two possibilities I thought of, but it could be anything in your case.

    Edit: I don't know if that's what you were looking for.
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    - Divide time by 3600 to get the hours (as int!)
    - Substract the hours * 3600 from time
    - Divide the result of that by 60 to get the number of minutes (as int!)
    - To get the number of seconds, substract the minutes * 60 from the result of the second point

    As a side note, converting to int gets rid of decimals. You could also use Math#floor(double), although this will have different behaviour for negative numbers
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    Traks AoH_Ruthless FisheyLP
    I just did this, but will it work?

    Integer second = (int)(Math.IEEEremainder((time - ((hour * 3600) + (minute * 60))) , 60));
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    Don't use Date, use Calendar.

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    cal.set(time); // time is your long. I think that's the method.
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    So I just use Calendar.getInstance().setTimeInMillis(7200 * 1000);
    and I can use Calendar.SECOND or Calendar.MINUTe and it will work?
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    For the second part, you'd do

    int (or whatever) seconds = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND);

    Because all of those constants represent keys that when passed to the get() method return the correct values. I know, it's a weird way of doing it.
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    I should've probably linked to this, although you could've just googled "how to use dateformat java".
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    But the first part is correct? And this wouldn't throw off any other things associating with System.nanoTime() or other areas where Calendar.getinstance() is involved [I know Calendar cannot be instantiated so we can't use new Calendar()) so I am wondering if this will affect all accessed Calendar classes... PogoStick29

    Ok I am looking at it now.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2016
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    It will not. Calendar is strange, but getInstance() returns a new Calendar.


    Like other locale-sensitive classes, Calendar provides a class method, getInstance, for getting a generally useful object of this type. Calendar's getInstance method returns a Calendar object whose calendar fields have been initialized with the current date and time.
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    If you wanted to instantiate it, you would use a GregorianCalendar. Calendar#getInstance() just picks the right type for you.
    PogoStick29 likes this.
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