"The Inferno" Minigame Idea

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MajikalBlood, Jan 18, 2014.

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    Okay so this isnt a personal request...just an idea I thought of.

    My idea is that when players enter an arena, set by commands or WorldEdit selection, the floor should be all netherrack. When the game starts, There will be 1 random block that spawns within the netherrack which will be a safe zone. after 5 seconds of the game starting all the netherrack will be set on fire. Anyone not in the safeblock will be caught on fire and probably not make it to the next round;

    After a configurable amount of rounds, the last ones standing/left alive will get a reward by economy or item.

    /inferno set pos1 - Sets the first point for the minigame
    /inferno set pos2 - Sets the 2nd selection point
    /inferno create - Only useable after both points have been set. Creates the minigame;
    /inferno set spawnpoint - Sets the spawnpoint for people joining the minigame
    /inferno set reward <itemID/Name>[$<number>] - Sets the reward for people who are alive at the end. Either enter the ID/item name or add $ at the beginning of the ID for economy reward [$1000] instead of an itemid
    /inferno join - Self explanatory
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    No one thinks this is a good idea?
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