The asking price

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by crysisone, May 20, 2013.

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    Set the buying price of land for different worlds not region.
    I think it who be cool if this were possible, normally you can set the price of lands with factions however this works on all worlds.

    Ok here an example, with factions you can go to any world and by a land plot anywhere in that world , in that world each block is worth $3.4 , you auto buy a 16x16 plot in this world for $870 this price will be the same for every 16x16 plot in any world.
    Now with this plugin you can set the buying price per world.
    For example land in the end would cost 5.6 per block.
    In spiderworld land would be 1.2 per blocks
    If there are plugins that let do this already, just post me a link
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    crysisone You need an plugin to put the region for sale, most of the time you can change the value with the same plugin
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    you mean like this pulgin ,,
    The problem with it is that as the world grows the region does not, I need a plugin that lets me set the price for the all the land in the world not a region.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    crysisone You want to sell the entire world? Why that? And maybe try the region name : __global__ on the sign
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    See my first posts I add an example.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    crysisone You know that they can buy an new world, pay for it, go explore? And could you tahg me when you reply?

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