Solved teleporting with set Yaw and Pitch

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MezzaDev, Dec 15, 2018.

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    Hey, im having trouble with getting pitch and yaw to work when i am teleporting the player. The player teleports without the Yaw and Pitch being set, so they face south. I have tried searching for solutions because im guessing its a pretty common error, but ive had no luck. It may be the method of teleportation im using, but im not sure how else to teleport the player. Here is my code

    destination = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(config.getString(desPath+"world")), config.getDouble(desPath+"x"), config.getDouble(desPath+"y")+1config.getDouble(areaPath+"z"), (float) config.getDouble(areaPath+"yaw"), (float) config.getDouble(areaPath+"pitch"));

    Thank you for any help

    Im blind. I have not set the right variable names when getting the config, and have been too blind to see it. Mod can you delete this because its solved
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